[governance] FW: [IP] Our friends, the Indians

Lee W McKnight lmcknigh at syr.edu
Mon Jan 9 15:40:41 EST 2012

curiouser and curiouser
From: Dave Farber [farber at gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2012 7:30 PM
To: ip
Subject: [IP] Our friends, the Indians

-----Original Message-----
From: Randall Webmail <rvh40 at insightbb.com>
To: cyberia-l <cyberia-l at googlegroups.com>, dave at farber.net, Dewayne Hendricks <dewayne at warpspeed.com>
Sent: Sun, 08 Jan 2012 7:21 PM
Subject: Our friends, the Indians

Leaked memo suggests India sought backdoor access from mobile device firms to spy on U.S.
By Muriel Kane
Sunday, January 8, 2012

An internal memo from India's Military Intelligence that hackers have posted online suggests that manufacturers of mobile devices have provided "backdoor" access to the Indian government in exchange for access to the Indian market. The manufacturers, referred to collectively in the memo as "RINOA," include RIM, Nokia, and Apple.

Indian blogger Manan Kakkar, who may have been the first to realize the implications of the memo, wrote late on Friday, "Earlier today I came across scans of a set of documents that are internal communications between the Indian Military. The documents claim the existence of a system known as RINOA SUR. While I did not find what SUR stands for but RINOA is RIM, NOkia and Apple. And this is where things start to get very interesting, according to the set of documents, the RINOA SUR platform was used to spy on the USCC—the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission."

Scans of the memo can be viewed here. [SNIP]


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