[governance] Clues for WCIT issues and prospects
dogwallah at gmail.com
Tue Dec 18 10:15:07 EST 2012
On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 8:31 AM, Dominique Lacroix <dl at panamo.eu> wrote:
> Hi,
> The third part deals with the price of interconnection in Africa.
Which has some misinformation in both Q' and A's.
"DL : Africa is now surrounded by several submarine cables. And yet,
Internet does is not take off. It is in the case mentioned, where the
Africans pay dearly to the countries of the North's access to the
Internet. What is going on?"
Africans actually pay dearly to African ISPs. A very small portion of
these subscriber fee is for Internet transit.
It used to be a larger portion, as back in the day, we would pay 5000
USD per megabit per second to vsat providers, now we pay 50 usd per
In markets with greater scale, the wholesale price is closer to 5 USD
per Mbps/month. We will get there, but first the CAPEX of the
submarine cable needs to be paid.
Having said that the greatest cost to African Internet subscribers by
far is for last (and middle) mile costs....Again, the meme that South
pays North is grossly over-exaggerated in the context of what is
expensive in African Internet costs.
In addition, it is NOT the case that Verisign can unilaterally remove
a country from the root zone. Nor can they deny a country access to
the root zone data. It is just not physically or technically
Propagating 10 year old paradigms and myths that were never true is
just not helpful!
"A name indicates what we seek. An address indicates where it is. A
route indicates how we get there." Jon Postel
> The return of political matters is normal and must not be hidden.
> And the conclusion proposes the creation of a new agency organizing
> improvements and cooperation of ICANN and ITU.
> http://reseaux.blog.lemonde.fr/2012/12/18/strategies-en-haute-mer/
> @+, cheers, Dominique
> Le 17/12/12 11:12, Dominique Lacroix a écrit :
> Hi,
> For those who can read French or a translator, Kavé Salamatian proposes
> interesting interpretations of WCIT issues and prospects :
> Le cyberespace et ses Indiens :
> http://reseaux.blog.lemonde.fr/2012/12/16/le-cyberespace-et-ses-indiens/
> Jeux de coopération au Bazar :
> http://reseaux.blog.lemonde.fr/2012/12/17/jeux-de-cooperation-au-bazar/
> @+, best, Dominique
> --
> Dominique Lacroix
> http://reseaux.blog.lemonde.fr
> Société européenne de l'Internet
> http://www.ies-france.eu
> +33 (0)6 63 24 39 14
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"A name indicates what we seek. An address indicates where it is. A
route indicates how we get there." Jon Postel
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