[governance] Tech help with the WCIT webcast?
Adam Peake
ajp at glocom.ac.jp
Mon Dec 10 09:49:52 EST 2012
Download RealPlayer.
If the application doesn't open automatically when you click on the
link, option+click and a file with the extension .smil will download,
drop that file on the RealPlayer application. Then keep awake by
counting the number of times Iran asks for the floor (3 hour
session... I go for 17)
On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 11:36 PM, Bertrand de La Chapelle
<bdelachapelle at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Ashamed to say that I do not get the webcast from WCIT on my MacBook Air.
> Apparently a plug-in missing somewhere.
> Anybody having the same problem?
> Help welcome. (I'm sure I will be humiliated by the response but never mind
> :-)
> Best
> Bertrand
> --
> ____________________
> Bertrand de La Chapelle
> Internet & Jurisdiction Project Director, International Diplomatic Academy
> (www.internetjurisdiction.net)
> Member, ICANN Board of Directors
> Tel : +33 (0)6 11 88 33 32
> "Le plus beau métier des hommes, c'est d'unir les hommes" Antoine de Saint
> Exupéry
> ("there is no greater mission for humans than uniting humans")
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