McTim dogwallah at gmail.com
Sun Sep 18 13:14:25 EDT 2011

On Sun, Sep 18, 2011 at 7:50 PM, Imran Ahmed Shah <ias_pk at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Well, McTim
>>...my packets go to
> Mumbai first before they find a Google server, but my traffic to yahoo
> goes to London directly before NY, then Palo Alto.
> If your yahoo request resolved to Palo Alto Server in 15 hops normally but
> after some time, it starts returning the answer of same query through 27 or 30 hopes?

Your upstream doesn't control this (unless the extra hops are in their
own network).  Normally your ISP will have at least 2 connections to
the Internet (transit providers).  Sounds like the the 15 hop route is
done by one of their transit providers and the 27 hop route is done by
the second.

> While an other ISP still providing you the same previous reply?

They are using a different transit provider.  Doesn't sound like a NN
violation to me.


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