[governance] CSTD WG going on
Imran Ahmed Shah
ias_pk at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 31 13:15:40 EDT 2011
Dear Izumi,
Thank you for sharing the progress, Step by step.
Its really a positive change and constructive discussion about IGF improvement.
May I suggest some points for the discussion over there (if you also agree):
1. Travel Support to attend IGF meetings for the Internet Community from Developing Economies through open application program like the ICANN have Fellowship Application System.
2. Open and Online Discussion Forum at IGF Website like the DiploInternetGovernance have.
3. Increase the number of the membership (count) of MAG Members to have at least two members from each Country, one from CS and one from Internet Regulating Authority from the same Country.
4. Regarding IGF meeting outcomes, and the strengthen IGF secretariat, it is suggested that each IGF meeting specially and IGF secretariat in general, should release a declaration and report about the Internet Regulating Authorities if they adopt such policies that conflicting Internet Governance.
Thanking you and Best Regards
Imran Ahmed Shah
>On Mon, 31 Oct 2011 21:05 PKT Izumi AIZU wrote:>In the afternoon, we started to examine if there is broad (and>minimum) agreement on each of>the 5 topic categories identified in the morning:>>A) Shaping the outcomes of IGF meetings>B) Working modalities including open consultation, MAG and Secretariat>C) Funding of the IGF>D) Participation – broadening>E) Linking IGF to other related processes/mechanisms/bodies>>And then we reached the point of confusion – it seems very difficult>to reach some specific>agreement or consensus of so many different issues in limited time –>so that Chair suggested>to go into three small working groups and come back to plenary.>>Several governments showed resistance to this proposal and we went back to>exploring how to go forward as plenary.>>Some governments started to talk about more specifics of item A, and>then Marilia>pointed out that we should go over all 5 elements first without going>into
subetantive>discussions, and we can go more specifics later. That was accepted by the group.>>Then we agreed (tentatively):>“B Working modalities including open consultation MAG, and Secretariat>Broad agreement on need to rotate MAG members regularly, keep MAG>deliberations transparent.>Broad agreement to strengthen the IGF secretariat”>Broad agreement that the MAG should be more representative of all the>groups that Internet Governance increasingly impacts.>Broad agreement that the use of remote participation tools and>resources should be strengthened.>Broad agreement that MAG needs clear Terms of Reference, constitution>of the MAG is done in a transparent and documented fashion.>>C Funding of the IGF>Broad agreement that additional voluntary funding should be sought,>accepted, and encouraged.>Broad agreement that funding is stable and predictable and independent.>>We have had several rounds of interesting exchanges of different views>before
reaching these broad agreement.>>Another Coffee break now.>>izumi>____________________________________________________________>You received this message as a subscriber on the list:> governance at lists.cpsr.org>To be removed from the list, visit:> http://www.igcaucus.org/unsubscribing>>For all other list information and functions, see:> http://lists.cpsr.org/lists/info/governance>To edit your profile and to find the IGC's charter, see:> http://www.igcaucus.org/>>Translate this email: http://translate.google.com/translate_t>
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