[governance] Announcing the results of the 2012 IGC coordinator elections

Fatima Cambronero fatimacambronero at gmail.com
Fri Oct 21 11:46:46 EDT 2011

Congratulations Sala!

And thanks to Jeremy.



2011/10/21 "Julián Casasbuenas G." <julian at colnodo.apc.org>

> **
> Congratulations Sara,
> Julián
> El 20/10/11 06:18, Jeremy Malcolm escribió:
> Here is my report of the 2012 coordinator elections, as outgoing
> coordinator and returning officer.
>  99 valid votes were cast.  Of these 14 (13.33%) were for Songitu Ekpe, 26
> (24.76%) for Asif Kabani, 8 (7.62%) for Imran Ahmed Shah, and 51 (48.57%)
> for Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro.  I declare Sala as the next coordinator of
> the IGC.  Congratulations!  Many thanks also to the three runners-up, who
> are encouraged to re-apply next year.
>  6 people began completing the ballot, but indicated that they had already
> voted in the election or did not respond to that question, so they were not
> given the opportunity to vote and did not do so.
>  In addition, there were 13 informal votes, from those who verified their
> eligibility to vote and were given the opportunity to do so, did not avail
> of that opportunity.  This probably reflects the preference expressed by a
> couple of people to me off-list for there to be a "none of the above"
> option.  The charter is silent about this, but because it defines membership
> for the purposes of charter amendment as only including those who voted in
> the last election, I did not feel that a "none of the above" option was
> unambiguously constitutional.  I was probably also influenced in this by my
> experience of other electoral systems, which do not allow for a "none of the
> above" option.
>  In future if we want to allow people to vote for "none of the above", in
> my view we should include this in the charter explicitly.  I will put this
> on the table during the charter review process that I have volunteered to
> coordinate now that I have ended my term.  My personal opinion is that such
> an amendment would be a bad idea, because it lessens the responsibility on
> all of us during the pre-election period to ensure that there is a slate of
> candidates at least one of whom everyone would be happy with.  (To avoid
> misunderstanding, I am not imputing to those who voted informally this year
> that they were unhappy with all of the candidates who stood.)  But what do
> you think?
>  The list of voting members will be updated on our website soon, probably
> within the next 48 hours.  Izumi and I will also be briefing Sala on her new
> role.
>  --
> *Dr Jeremy Malcolm
> Project Coordinator*
> Consumers International
> Kuala Lumpur Office for Asia-Pacific and the Middle East
> Lot 5-1 Wisma WIM, 7 Jalan Abang Haji Openg, TTDI, 60000 Kuala Lumpur,
> Malaysia
> Tel: +60 3 7726 1599
> Consumers International (CI) is the world federation of consumer groups
> that, working together with its members, serves as the only independent and
> authoritative global voice for consumers. With over 220 member organisations
> in 115 countries, we are building a powerful international movement to help
> protect and empower consumers everywhere.
> *www.consumersinternational.org*
> *Twitter @ConsumersInt <http://twitter.com/Consumers_Int>*
> Read our email confidentiality notice<http://www.consumersinternational.org/email-confidentiality>.
> Don't print this email unless necessary.
> --
> Julian Casasbuenas G.
> Director Colnodo
> Diagonal 40A (Antigua Av. 39) No. 14-75, Bogota, Colombia
> Tel: 57-1-2324246, Cel. 57-315-3339099 Fax: 57-1-3380264
> Twitter @jcasasbuenaswww.colnodo.apc.org - Uso Estratégico de Internet para el Desarrollo
> Miembro de la Asociacion para el Progreso de las Comunicaciones -APC-www.apc.org
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*Fatima Cambronero*
Directora de Investigaciones
*AGEIA DENSI Argentina*


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