[governance] Announcing the results of the 2012 IGC coordinator elections

Naveed haq naveedpta at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 21 07:30:16 EDT 2011

Dear Sala,

Big Congrats on the selection. Wish you all the best while carrying out your work under this challenging and exciting position. 

Best Regards,


Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2011 23:26:52 +1200
From: salanieta.tamanikaiwaimaro at gmail.com
To: governance at lists.cpsr.org; jeremy at ciroap.org
Subject: Re: [governance] Announcing the results of the 2012 IGC coordinator elections

Dear All,
Firstly this is humbling and I thank you sincerely for your confidence and hope to serve you. I would also like to thank my comrades Songitu, Asif and Imran, and hope that you run again next year.

I would also like to thank Jeremy for the nomination and Bill for seconding it and all those that supported it. I do no intend to fill in nor try to fill in Jeremy's shoes - they are far too big :) Jeremy as we all know has done tremendous work and so I thank you Jeremy. I look forward to being briefed by Jeremy and Izumi.

I am actually in Seoul waiting for my flight to Dubai which leaves in 3 hours.
Again thank you for allowing me the privilege to be your serve you.
Best Regards,

On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 11:18 PM, Jeremy Malcolm <jeremy at ciroap.org> wrote:

Here is my report of the 2012 coordinator elections, as outgoing coordinator and returning officer.
99 valid votes were cast.  Of these 14 (13.33%) were for Songitu Ekpe, 26 (24.76%) for Asif Kabani, 8 (7.62%) for Imran Ahmed Shah, and 51 (48.57%) for Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro.  I declare Sala as the next coordinator of the IGC.  Congratulations!  Many thanks also to the three runners-up, who are encouraged to re-apply next year.

6 people began completing the ballot, but indicated that they had already voted in the election or did not respond to that question, so they were not given the opportunity to vote and did not do so.

In addition, there were 13 informal votes, from those who verified their eligibility to vote and were given the opportunity to do so, did not avail of that opportunity.  This probably reflects the preference expressed by a couple of people to me off-list for there to be a "none of the above" option.  The charter is silent about this, but because it defines membership for the purposes of charter amendment as only including those who voted in the last election, I did not feel that a "none of the above" option was unambiguously constitutional.  I was probably also influenced in this by my experience of other electoral systems, which do not allow for a "none of the above" option.

In future if we want to allow people to vote for "none of the above", in my view we should include this in the charter explicitly.  I will put this on the table during the charter review process that I have volunteered to coordinate now that I have ended my term.  My personal opinion is that such an amendment would be a bad idea, because it lessens the responsibility on all of us during the pre-election period to ensure that there is a slate of candidates at least one of whom everyone would be happy with.  (To avoid misunderstanding, I am not imputing to those who voted informally this year that they were unhappy with all of the candidates who stood.)  But what do you think?

The list of voting members will be updated on our website soon, probably within the next 48 hours.  Izumi and I will also be briefing Sala on her new role.

Dr Jeremy Malcolm
Project Coordinator
Consumers International

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Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro aka Sala
Tweeter: @SalanietaTSkype:Salanieta.TamanikaiwaimaroCell: +679 998 2851

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