[governance] IGF output and continuation Workshop 67 E-participation
Ginger Paque
gpaque at gmail.com
Fri Oct 7 17:59:00 EDT 2011
Ginger (Virginia) Paque
Diplo Foundation
VirginiaP at diplomacy.edu
*Join the Diplo community IG discussions: www.diplointernetgovernance.org*
Did I hear you say you wanted some output from the IGF process? Please help
us continue the discussion started in Kenya...
The IGF Kenya 2011 Workshop 67 E-participation Principles
background paper
produced a first draft of a set of principles for e-participation,
particularly in reference to multistakeholder global policy processes as a
concrete output of the workshop. This was produced in collaborative editing
with *in situ* and remote attendees, all 'e-participants'.
The discussion draft produced using iEtherpad ( iEtherpad.com ) during the
workshop itself can be viewed at:
A draft of the principles was drawn up based on that discussion, and is now
open for comment at
Please visit the collaborative discussion page, to make your comments on any
one of the sections
1. Inclusiveness (1) <http://discuss.diplomacy.edu/e-participation/?p=1>
2. Equality of participation
3. Scale and stability
4. Capacity building (0)<http://discuss.diplomacy.edu/e-participation/?p=16>
5. Providing platforms
6. A case study: E-participation at the heart of the IGF
by clicking on the section name in the Table of Contents. You can then make
a comment on any one of the principles on that page, by clicking on the
succession icon. You can review other comments at the same time, and reply
or build on another comment as well.
After the draft is open for discussion for at least 30 days, and all points
appear to be clarified, a second draft will be proposed for further comment.
We look forward to your contributions. If you have any questions or
suggestions, do not hesitate to contact me at VirginiaP at diplomacy.edu
E-participate! :)
Ginger (Virginia) Paque
Diplo Foundation
VirginiaP at diplomacy.edu
*Join the Diplo community IG discussions: www.diplointernetgovernance.org*
On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 1:48 PM, Virginia Paque <virginiap at diplomacy.edu>wrote:
> Dear friends,
> I would like to thank you sincerely for your participation on the
> panel of WS 67 for e-participation principles. You formed a great
> team, and delivered a wonderful presentation and project.
> All of the feedback I have received has been very positive. As you
> saw, the iEtherpad document progressed amazingly well already during
> the workshop (diplo.ietherpad.com/19).
> I am attaching the first draft of the principles, which is not the
> complete document, of course. I will also send the Workshop report
> next week for your review before I send it it.
> We will continue discussions and development of the principles,
> guidelines and discussion, online, in the coming weeks. I will send
> more details after we are all home from Nairobi and a bit rested.
> Sala, Nicolas, we missed you, but we know timing was complicated.
> If you have any questions or comments, please reply all to this email.
> If you do not want to continue to be copied on the emails, please let
> me know.
> With appreciation and warm thanks,
> Gracias and saludos,
> Ginger
> Ginger (Virginia) Paque
> Diplo Foundation
> www.diplomacy.edu/ig
> VirginiaP at diplomacy.edu
> Join the Diplo community IG discussions: www.diplointernetgovernance.org
> On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 6:05 PM, Virginia Paque <virginiap at diplomacy.edu>
> wrote:
> > Hi everyone!
> > We are well on our way, with an updated WS proposal at:
> >
> http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/component/chronocontact/?chronoformname=WSProposals2011View&wspid=67
> >
> > We have quite an amazing panel:
> >
> > Raquel Gatto (moderator), Brazilian Network Information Center –
> > NIC.br and IGF Remote Participation working group
> > Jorge Plano, ISOC Argentina Chapter & DC on Accessibility and Disability
> > Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro, Pacific region
> > Nnenna Nwakanma, FOSSFA
> > Nicolas Caballero, IT Coordinator, Office of the President, Paraguay,
> > FLOSS specialist (remote presenter)
> > Sebastien Bachollet, ICANN Public Participation Committee
> > Tim Davies, Practical Participation, Dynamic Coalition on Youth and
> > Internet Governance, Oxford
> > Jeremy Malcolm, IGC, Consumer's International, Malasia/Australia (
> > presenting by video)
> > Markus Kummer, Vice-President, Public Policy, Internet Society (ISOC)
> > Jovan Kurbalija, DiploFoundation e-participation and e-diplomacy
> initiatives
> > Sheba Mohammid, Rapporteur, ICT Policy Specialist
> > Virginia Paque, Remote moderator, DiploFoundation
> >
> > You can see previous discussions below, but the main point is that our
> > rapporteur and moderator need your short statement of viewpoint -- a
> > summary of the main point and principle(s) you will propose in your
> > strict 2-minute introductory intervention. This is also a good way to
> > make sure your most important point gets included in the report, so
> > take advantage!
> >
> > We will hold audience participants to the 2-minute limit as well. If
> > there is another point you think is important, please send an
> > appropriate question to this list. We will do our best to ask the
> > question at an appropriate time, giving you 2 minutes to address that
> > point as part of the discussion.
> >
> > I have attached our background paper. If you have any questions or
> > suggestions, please let us know! I will now turn the organizer job
> > over to your excellent moderator, Raquel Gatto. Those of you who don't
> > know each other, please introduce yourselves!
> >
> > This is an important panel, and we need each one of you. Thank you for
> > your collaboration!
> >
> > Warm wishes,
> > See you in Nairobi (in person or online)
> > Ginger
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Hi everyone..
> > I think that this is a very important panel, at a significant time in
> > IGF development. RP is finally finding its significance for global
> > policy processes, and we are ready to address the principles involved,
> > instead of the techniques.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Join the Diplo community IG discussions: www.diplointernetgovernance.org
> >
> >
> > On Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 9:21 AM, Virginia Paque <virginiap at diplomacy.edu>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi everyone,
> >>
> >> Please confirm that you have read all of our information (see below),
> and will be taking part in our Workshop 67 on E-participation principles at
> the IGF 2011 in Nairobi, 9-10:30 on the 3rd day, the 29th of September. You
> are expected to be in the room at least 15 minutes ahead of time to make
> sure we have coordinated well.
> >>
> >> I assume you have reviewed your bios online and have no changes to make.
> >>
> >> As we get close to the date, it is important that you each send a short
> note on the topic you intend to address in your 2-minute introduction (the
> 2-minute limit will be strictly enforced at the beginning and during the
> session). Please include the most important principle you think should be
> respected in remote participation, so we have a starting point for
> discussions. Please send these to 'reply all' as soon as possible, so
> Marilia, as moderator, can be well-prepared. We will not take time for
> complete introductions, since your bios are online. So it would be very
> helpful if you also send your name as you would like to be introduced, and
> the one most important thing you would like Marilia to mention about you or
> your work.
> >>
> >> For example (not me, because I will be remote moderator, and will not be
> a panelist, but as an example):
> >>
> >> Panelist name and intro: Ginger Paque from DiploFoundation, an original
> founding member of the IGF remote participation working group.
> >> Suggested Principle: Remote Participation should be readily available
> and accessible even to those who have low bandwidth options.
> >>
> >> I have pasted below some panelist guidelines for your review: remember
> that the idea of our panel is to have the participants--especially the
> remote participants--express their views. This is about participation, not
> presentations. We would like to have a set of discussed guidelines as an
> output for our report.
> >>
> >> Here are some links on objectives, goals and strategies for Remote
> Participation that you might find interesting as you prepare:
> >> https://meetings.icann.org/remote-participation
> >> http://meetings.apnic.net/30/remote/tools (some 'guidelines at the
> bottom')
> >> https://www.arin.net/participate/meetings/remote_aup.html
> >>
> >> You will note that these address tech and organizational guidelines for
> the most part. We want to move beyond that to a few, important, overarching
> principles, such as (not these, these are just quick examples):
> >>
> >> Remote Participation should be readily available and accessible even to
> those who have low bandwidth options, for all global policy meetings.
> >> Global policy and other meetings should actively encourage and support
> remote participation from lesser heard voices as a priority for meeting
> organization.
> >>
> >> Please do some publicity for our workshop: we want to have a good remote
> participation, so that we can hear the views of those who need RP most of
> all!
> >>
> >> Suggestions welcome. Your response required. Thanks so much! This is an
> important workshop, and we appreciate your time and energy to support it.
> Immediately below I have pasted the panel guidelines, just in case you find
> it helpful. Below that is my previous email.
> >>
> >> We all need to hear from each of you as soon as possible! Gracias!
> >> Ginger
> >>
> >>
> >> Ginger (Virginia) Paque
> >> Diplo Foundation
> >> www.diplomacy.edu/ig
> >> VirginiaP at diplomacy.edu
> >>
> >> Join the Diplo community IG discussions:
> www.diplointernetgovernance.org
> >>
> >>
> >> On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 9:31 AM, Virginia Paque <
> virginiap at diplomacy.edu> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Hello again,
> >>> Our workshop proposal has been updated, and you can see the current
> proposal below. Your bios are all online--please check to make sure they are
> correct.
> >>>
> >>> As you know, this will be a round table discussion, where the
> 'presenters' will be the participants, as our purpose is to gather input
> from all regions of the world, and all stakeholders. Marilia will moderate
> the session, and each of you will give a 2-minute maximum presentation of
> what you consider the most important principle about
> remote/online/e-participation. Ideally, you would sent these statements to
> the group, so we are familiar with each other's positions, and do not repeat
> them.
> >>>
> >>> The role of the panelists will be to be provocative, controversial and
> dynamic, with very short, precise interventions, with the goal of gathering
> a wide range of responses and reactions for further investigation. We do not
> seek consensus, rather a diversity of opinion. I will send guidelines for
> panelists for your 'reading pleasure', just as a reference.
> >>>
> >>> We are still waiting for confirmation from Mr. Kudric [Representative
> from the Disability DC, or Mr. Todic (UN disability committee) (Serbia?)].
> We hope Jovan or Vlada will be able to communicate with him shortly.
> >>>
> >>> If you have any questions or doubts, please email, using 'reply all',
> so we can discuss.
> >>> Thank you very much for accepting a place on this workshop. I think it
> will be very productive, and allow us to move the discussions on
> e-participation from a 'technical level' to a policy and principle level.
> >>>
> >>> Workshop Proposals 2011
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Workshop Number: 67
> >>> Title: E-participation Principles
> >>> Status:
> >>> Concise Description:
> >>> The workshop will consist of a roundtable discussion, in order to
> ensure maximum interaction among participants. The issues will be framed as
> questions, in order to foster a more focused debate and to reach more
> concrete outcomes.
> >>> Building up on the positive experience of remote participation during
> IGF meetings, the workshop will explore two main topics:
> >>> a) The ways to strengthen online interaction among the members of the
> IGF community, in order to generate a continuous all-year debate, as
> proposed during the discussions that took place in CSTD WG on IGF
> improvement;
> >>> b) A strategy to raise awareness and foster the use of online channels
> for participation in other global meetings, with focus on the inclusion of
> developing countries in international policy-shaping as an underlying
> principle.
> >>>
> >>> The workshop will count on speakers from all stakeholder groups, not
> only because the diversity of views leads to creative and out-of-the-box
> suggestions, but also because improving e-/remote participation should be
> seen as a collective responsibility of all the members of the community.
> >>>
> >>> The round table discussion will have two parts, focussing on answering
> the following questions:
> >>> Part 1: Principles and global strategies:
> >>> What are the strategies to foster the use of channels for e-/remote
> participation by developing countries, least developed countries and remote
> areas?
> >>> How can we formulate a strategy to raise awareness and foster the use
> of online channels for participation in other global meetings, with focus on
> the inclusion of developing countries in international policy-shaping?
> >>> Can a set of principles and good practices be formulated to ensure the
> effective impact of e-/remote participants on policy-shaping process?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Part 2: Best practices and developing practices:
> >>>
> >>> How can the IGF community make use of online channels of communication
> more efficiently to remain in contact and make the IGF a process that
> develops throughout the year?
> >>> How can we carry out at least one of the IGF open consultations
> entirely online?
> >>> How can we foster the participation of remote speakers and speakers
> from hubs in workshops?
> >>> Which of the five broad IGF Themes or the Cross-Cutting Priorities does
> your workshop fall under?
> >>> Access and Diversity
> >>> Have you organized an IGF workshop before? Yes
> >>> If so, please provide the link to the report:
> >>>
> http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/component/chronocontact/?chronoformname=WSProposalsReports2010View&wspid=126
> >>> Provide the names and affiliations of the panellists you are planning
> to invite:
> >>>
> >>> Representative from the Disability DC, or Mr. Todic (UN disability
> committee) (Serbia?)
> >>> Marilia Maciel (moderator), Getulio Vargas Foundation, Brazil
> >>> Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro, Pacific region
> >>> Nnenna Nwakanma, FOSSFA
> >>> Nicolas Caballero, IT Coordinator, Office of the President, Paraguay,
> FLOSS specialist
> >>> Jeremy Malcolm, IGC, Consumer's International, Malasia/Australia
> >>> Jovan Kurbalija, DiploFoundation e-participation and e-diplomacy
> initiatives
> >>> Virginia Paque, remote moderator, DiploFoundation
> >>>
> >>> Provide the name of the organizer(s) of the workshop and their
> affiliation to various stakeholder groups:
> >>> Virginia Paque
> >>> DiploFoundation (diverse in gender, region and stakeholder groups)
> >>> Remote Participation Working Group (diverse in gender, region and
> stakeholder groups)
> >>> Organization:DiploFoundation
> >>> Contact Person: Virginia Paque
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Cheers,
> >>> Ginger
> >>>
> >>> Ginger (Virginia) Paque
> >>> Diplo Foundation
> >>> www.diplomacy.edu/ig
> >>> VirginiaP at diplomacy.edu
> >>>
> >>> Join the Diplo community IG discussions:
> www.diplointernetgovernance.org
> >>
> >
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