[governance] Proposal to Merge Website and Mailing List Consultations [Administration/Logistics]
nhklein at gmx.net
Sun Nov 20 10:06:51 EST 2011
On 11/20/2011 06:44 PM, Roland Perry wrote:
> In message <4EC865B8.6060004 at gmx.net>, at 09:28:08 on Sun, 20 Nov
> 2011, nhklein <nhklein at gmx.net> writes
>> Thanks - but please help me to clarify further: is my e-mail address
>> - nhklein at gmx.net - also violating RFC 1592, or does this only relate
>> to specifically registered domains with .net?
> I've always thought it's OK for the administrators (staff) of network
> providers to have @.net email addresses, because the rfc only mentions
> "customers" as a counter-example - although some fundamentalists
> disagree and say that only the network computers can[1].
> Assuming you aren't a staff member of GMX, that would mean such an
> email address was clearly outside the stated recommendations of the rfc.
That is what I thought reading the explanation of .net
I am not a staff member, but a paying customer of GMX - they have also
free accounts. GMX is a kind of Webmail provider in Germany, similar to
what Gmail or Hotmail is in English.
It is probably already 10 years ago that I got this address and happily
use it. I would hate it if I had to change my address.
So what can I expect in the future? Will the practice of GMX be
legalized? (They offer a series of different extensions, including .de -
but as I live in Cambodia, I did not want to use a .de extension.) Or
the world will continue just as it did for the last decade, and
everybody stays "flexible"?
Norbert Klein
> But when I set up an ISP in 1994, only the administrative role
> functions of "sales", "support" etc had .net email addresses, with the
> staff having .co.uk email addresses, on the instance of a more
> fundamentalist colleague!
> They way we differentiated staff from customers was by giving staff a
> short email address such as roland@, rather than dotted ones like
> roland.perry@ (which I had later, having left the company).
> [1] For an example of a computer with an email address, see a list bot
> like governance at lists.cpsr.org
A while ago, I started a new blog:
...thinking it over... after 21 years in Cambodia
continuing to share reports and comments from Cambodia.
Norbert Klein
nhklein at gmx.net
Phnom Penh / Cambodia
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