[governance] Some news

Amali De Silva amalidesilva at yahoo.com
Thu May 26 04:06:33 EDT 2011

As for UN- WSIS please make a distinction for Children's Rights ....thank you
Amali De Silva - Mitchell (personal comment ) 

Private & Confidential 

--- On Thu, 5/26/11, Divina MEIGS <divina.meigs at orange.fr> wrote:

From: Divina MEIGS <divina.meigs at orange.fr>
Subject: [governance] Some news
To: "governance at lists.cpsr.org" <governance at lists.cpsr.org>
Received: Thursday, May 26, 2011, 1:34 AM


Please find attached the declaration done by civil society yesterday, that mentions our open letter to Sarkozy. Also some news from Le Monde where the mail address of our caucus is also mentioned... 
I would like to thank Marie George for following this and agitating from home, as I was trying to remain in the room and make comments to show that civil society had a different take. The final comments to take to Deauville were made at 7pm and I had time to say that governance had to be multistakeholder and that the lack of vision about human rights was to be regretted. Some of the people who will go to Deauville publicly said they would pick it up...
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