[governance] Invitation to Cyber Security Workshop 26th - 27th May 2011 Webcast / IP Streaming

Salanieta T. Tamanikaiwaimaro salanieta.tamanikaiwaimaro at gmail.com
Tue May 24 19:12:07 EDT 2011


(1) Diplo Foundation Community
(2) Internet Governance Caucus and Community
(3)Congress World Breakthrough Network Oceania
(4)Pacific Internet Governance Community;
(6) Pakistan Telecommunications Authority;
(7) Pacific Islands Private Sector Organisation.

It is with great pleasure that I invite you to stream into the
Inaugural Fiji Government Cyber Security Workshop organised by the
Ministry of Defence in collaboration with the Cyber Security Working
Group. The Workshop will be held at the Novotel Hotel in Nadi from the
26th - 27th May, 2011.

 The Cyber Security Working Group is a multitstakeholder group. Fiji
as a developing country has yet to have a National Strategy in place
and this is part of a series of Workshops that will be a lead up to
preparing its National Strategy in the near future.

You may view the workshop through this link: itv.connect.com.fj

The streaming is made possible through the generous sponsorship of
Telecom Fiji Limited in partnership with Fiji TV.

The draft programme is enclosed and is in FJT (GMT +12), The
organisers reserve the discretion to amend various aspects of the

Kind Regards,

Chair of Fiji Cyber Security Working Group
Sala Tamanikaiwaimaro

"Stillness in the midst of the noise".
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