[governance] Comments on CSTD WG in IGF improvements, May 2011

Avri Doria avri at ella.com
Tue May 24 19:02:17 EDT 2011


Were academics qua academics being excluded or was it just the case that "The Academics" should not be a category unto themselves?


On 24 May 2011, at 08:16, Adam Peake wrote:

>> I agree with Parminder in his discussion of the possibility of separate
>> "academic representation" on the MAG.
>> The appropriate role of academics in this context is either as expert
>> advisers (in specific areas) to the MAG or as representing the
>> academic/research role as contributing technically to the development of the
>> Internet.
> Who made that rule :-)
> Seriously, why are academics excluded?  There's a very active and growing network of academics involved in IGF issues.  Summer schools growing, GigaNet holding meetings with IGFs and separately, Diplo's work.
> More important is the practicality of Anriette's proposal.  It adds what would likely be CS (leaning) voices, without taking seats away from incumbents.  It might work.  Probably not ideal, but likely much better than the situation we've found ourselves in.
> Adam
>> Otherwise as Parminder says, academics will, depending on their
>> interests and persuasions be contributors to various of the other
>> representative groups as for example this one.
>> M
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: governance at lists.cpsr.org [mailto:governance at lists.cpsr.org] On Behalf
>> Of parminder at itforchange.net
>> Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 3:54 PM
>> To: governance at lists.cpsr.org; Anriette Esterhuysen
>> Subject: Re: [governance] Comments on CSTD WG in IGF improvements, May 2011
>> The general outlines of the statement look good. However, some comments
>> inline.
>>> Dear all
>>> I have not had time to draft a statement on the working group on IGF
>>> improvements but I have discussed the matter with lots of people and
>>> this morning, on the panel dedicated to this, I thought of making the
>>> following points.  I will check in with Parminder and Marilia first,
>>> but based on what we have been discussing the key points are:
>>> 1. It is important for the working group to continue / have its
>>> mandate
>>> extended:
>>> * The IGF needs to address some key weaknesses if it is to be a
>>> meaningful forum for dialogue on global internet policy among different
>>> stakeholders.
>>> * There are enough good proposals for IGF improvements on the table. The
>>> working group has received sufficient input from stakeholders,
>>> complemented by proposals made by members of the working group.
>>> What it did not complete was synthesising proposed changes, and reaching
>>> agreement on such changes.
>>> * Inspite of some disagreement, there was also substantial common
>>> ground, e.g. on the importance of the IGF and its fundamental character
>>> as a forum for dialogue
>> and policy inputs
>>> as opposed to a policy negotiating forum.
>>> 2. Continuation should be linked to a clear decisions on the work
>>> procedures and work schedule/timeline of the working group. In
>>> particular:
>>> * Assigning a chair and a co-chair.
>>> * Assistance from the secretariat (who, how, what)
>>> * Convening a small drafting group with representatives of all
>>> stakeholders (I would propose one person per non-governmental
>>> stakeholder group = 3 + 5 government representatives selected by the
>>> group keeping regional spread in mind. But there will no doubt be
>>> other formulas proposed.)
>>> * A phased approach to its work, e.g:
>>> - finalise work procedures etc. by 31 July 2011 (ncluding a schedule
>> > of
>>> meetings)
>>> - reassess and cluster all input from stakeholders by 31 August 2011
>>> - make use of the Nairobi IGF in September 2011 to have a face to face
>>> meeting as a group, and also gather feedback from IGF stakeholders in an
>>> open platform
>>> - have meeting focused on IGF improvements with the MAG during the
>>> November 2011 open consultation
>>> - have a consultation with the UNGIS group in November 2011
>>> - have a consultation with developing country representatives in Geneva
>>> also in November 2011 (as their participation is a key goal of IGF
>>> improvements)
>>> - compile a draft report by the end of December 2011
>>> - gather feedback on the report during January and February 2012
>>> - finalise the report by the end of March 2012
>> no particular objection to the timelines as much, but the schedule appears
>> to be too extended, and I am not sure such a long processes is needed.
>>> 3. With regard to the composition of the MAG I have a particular
>>> proposal which is that along with 5 CS, 5 business, 5 technical
>>> community, a new cluster of 5 is added for the academic and research
>>> community.
>> As discussed with you yesterday, I prefer 'interest representation' as the
>> basis of legitimacy to be nominated to the MAG rather than expertise (which
>> is implied within 'interest representation'). Asking for a new academic
>> community category does not go with this principle i consider as very
>> important. It also undermines the overall political claims of civil society
>> in governance, because expertise based presence is obviously acceptable only
>> as an input and in advisory capacity, and not in actual political
>> negotiations that lead to political decisions, which is what policy
>> decisions finally are.
>> Also, importantly, there is already the 'technical and academic community'
>> as a group which was supposed to nominate members from both sub groups... I
>> think these two groups belong together to the extent that there contribution
>> is primarily 'expertise based'.
>> On the other hand individual members of these communities can and will be
>> part of 'interest based representation' in civil society, private sector and
>> also governments.
>>> I think this is more likely to succeed that asking for more CS
>>> representatives than the other stakeholder groups have.
>>> However, this still needs further discussion in this space. I have run
>>> it by several people, some like it, but some have concerns which they
>>> can share here.
>>> Any other suggestions?
>>> Anriette
>>> On 22/05/11 11:48, Marilia Maciel wrote:
>>>> Hello Wolfgang and all,
>>>> Anriette has been working on a statetement from CS supporting the
>>>> continuation of the CSTD WG. IGF improvements and WSIS review will be
>>>> discussed on Tuesday, so we should have news after that. CS is having
>>>> an informal dinner with representatives from the technical community
>>>> and the business sector on Monday night to chat about CSTD. I am
>>>> really happy that we will have the opportunity to do it.
>>>> So far, as long as we know, the only one to support extintion of the
>>>> WG is the United States. They sent a letter to CSTD saying that. You
>>>> can access it here:http://www.unctad.info/en/CstdWG/ (on the right
>>>> side)
>>>> The members of CSTD bureau will meet tomorrow morning, before the
>>>> conference, to talk about proposals of resolutions. Europe will be
>>>> proposing one resolution about IGF improvement, but we dont know its
>>>> exact content. I heard their goal is not to let discussions in WG go
>>>> completely to waste. Europe has been supportive, and they (Hungary)
>>>> backed me up when I complained about lack of executive coordinator
>>>> and chair for the IGF process, during WSIS tacking stocks session.
>>>> I will be in the meeting, but not exactly as CS representative,
>>>> because my organization does not have ECOSOC status. I will be there
>>>> invited by the Brazilian delegation, so I am not sure about my
>>>> possibility to intervene. But Anriette will be there as APC, Katitza
>>>> will be observing as EFF and we heard Parminder will be here as well,
>>>> but not sure.
>> >>
>>>> Best,
>>>> Marília
>>>> On Sun, May 22, 2011 at 5:19 AM, Katitza Rodriguez <katitza at eff.org
>>>> <mailto:katitza at eff.org>> wrote:
>>>>     Hi Wolfgang:
>>>>     I am not familiar with the UNCSTD meeting. Anriette and Marilia are
>>>>     our representative there.
>>>>     Katitza
>>>>     On 5/22/11 9:15 AM, "Kleinwächter, Wolfgang" wrote:
>>>>         Thanks Katitza,
>>>>         any information about outcomes from the MAG meeting?  And who
>>>>         nis going to monitor (or make a statement) in the forthcoming
>>>>         UNCSTD meeting?
>>>>         wolfgang
>>>>         ________________________________
>>>>         Von: governance at lists.cpsr.org
>>>>         <mailto:governance at lists.cpsr.org> im Auftrag von Katitza
>>>> Rodriguez
>>>>         Gesendet: Sa 21.05.2011 19 <tel:21.05.2011%2019>:01
>> >>         An: governance at lists.cpsr.org
>>>>         <mailto:governance at lists.cpsr.org>; Katitza Rodriguez
>>>>         Betreff: [governance] Civil Society Members in Geneva
>>>>         Hi there,
>>>>         I want to let you know that civil society members in Geneva
>>>> worked
>>>>         extremely hard during the open consultation and the open MAG
>>>>         meeting.
>>>>         Those identify with civil society were: APC Anriette Esterhuysen
>>>>         and Joy
>>>>         Liddicoat, Marilia Maciel, Adam Peake, and Bill Drake. Please
>>>>         apologize
>>>>         me if I forgot of anyone else.
>>>>         All the best,
>>>>         Katitza
>>>>         On 5/21/11 6:19 PM, Katitza Rodriguez wrote:
>>>>             Dear IGC members (plus other stakeholders in this list):
>>>>             I want to inform civil society IGC members that only four
>>>> civil
>>>>             society MAG members were able to attend the last Open
>>>>             Consultation and
>>>>             MAG meeting. The civil society MAG members were: Valeria
>>>>             Betancourt,
>>>>             Fouad Bawja, Graciela Selaimen, and myself.
>>>>             It is important to understand that four civil society MAG
>>>>             members are
>>>>             not enough to allow civil society to effectively monitor and
>>>>             shape
>>>>             "all" the main sessions for the next IGF. During the OC,
>>>> we have
>>>>             requested the IGF Secretariat to provide us with a better
>>>>             understanding of the current list of civil society MAG
>>>>             members, and
>>>>             the need to fill out those civil society slots in the MAG so
>>>>             we can
>>>>             keep the balance between all stakeholders.
>>>>             In this MAG meeting, we were able to cover between 3-4
>>>>             sessions. In
>>>>             the next days to come, we will be monitoring the other
>>>>             sessions (which
>>>>             will not be able to monitor in-situ) to make sure civil
>>>>             society voice
>>>>             is included. As a MAG member, my main concern is the SOP
>>>>             session. If
>>>>             you want to send me a "private message" about the issues
>>>>             that you
>>>>             consider should be discussed, please do so by sending an
>>>>             email to
>>>>             katitza at eff.org <mailto:katitza at eff.org> Our main input for
>>>>             discussion is the February Open
>>>>             Consultation where many of you (and other stakeholders)
>>>> provided
>>>>             valuable comments, and we will work hard to ensure that
>>>> those
>>>>             suggestions are included.
>>>>             I also would like to call attention to the fact that this
>>>>             list is open
>>>>             to other stakeholders including public authorities,
>>>> government
>>>>             officials, technical community, and business sector
>>>>             representatives.
>>>>             Therefore, members need to understand that MAG members have
>>>>             a very
>>>>             difficult task to share strategies in a public list. Any
>>>> public
>>>>             strategy that we can share here, can always harm our
>>>> collective
>>>>             efforts in spaces where disclosing your strategy in advance
>> >>             is a big
>>>>             problem and can harm our work.
>>>>             I would like to ask the coordinators to create a list for
>>>>             IGC-only
>>>>             members that is close to their members. In that way, civil
>>>>             society MAG
>>>>             members will be able to provide a better report after the
>>>>             meeting.
>>>>             All the best, Katitza
>>>>             ____________________________________________________________
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>>>>         --
>>>>         Katitza Rodriguez
>>>>         International Rights Director
>>>>         Electronic Frontier Foundation
>>>>         katitza at eff.org <mailto:katitza at eff.org>
>>>>         katitza at datos-personales.org
>>>>         <mailto:katitza at datos-personales.org> (personal email)
>>>>         Please support EFF - Working to protect your digital rights and
>>>>         freedom of speech since 1990
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>>>>     --
>>>>     Katitza Rodriguez
>>>>     International Rights Director
>>>>     Electronic Frontier Foundation
>>>>     katitza at eff.org <mailto:katitza at eff.org>
>>>>     katitza at datos-personales.org <mailto:katitza at datos-personales.org>
>>>>     (personal email)
>>>>     Please support EFF - Working to protect your digital rights and
>>>>     freedom of speech since 1990
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>>>> --
>>>> Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade
>>>> FGV Direito Rio
>>>> Center for Technology and Society
>>>> Getulio Vargas Foundation
>>>> Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
>>> --
>>> ------------------------------------------------------
>>> anriette esterhuysen anriette at apc.org
>>> executive director, association for progressive communications
>>> www.apc.org po box 29755, melville 2109
>> > south africa
>>> tel/fax +27 11 726 1692
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