And G20? Re: [governance] Internet G8 meeting

Meryem Marzouki meryem at
Wed May 11 05:38:50 EDT 2011

Hi all,

Sorry, I'm jumping in even later than Bill!

I think the statement is OK w.r.t. Bill's comment, precisely because, as Jeremy pointed, it asks for the eG8, and not the G8 itself, to be open to other stakeholders. That doesn't contradict the fact that the G8 will probably adopt at least some kind of declaration, on the basis of the eG8 conclusions.

But I would like to suggest an addition, which I think wouldn't radically change the statement and is in line with IGC positions so far. This year and under the French presidency, there's not only the G8 Summit (26-27 May in Dauville) but also the G20 Summit (3-4 November in Cannes). It's particularly noticeable that the e-thing is held under the G8 and not the G20.

Maybe we can add a sentence (related to our statement that " policies framed together by the most powerful nations, quite likely, will become the default global norm", 5th para) stating that Internet issues should have been addressed by the G20 rather than the G8. I think that, in addition, this would certainly be backed by some of the governments from the 12 excluded countries (not to mention those that are not even part of G20). If there are no objection, I'm confident that Jeremy and Izumi could draft a good sentence to express this point.

BTW, the website of the French presidency of G8-G20 is at:, and there's an English version available.

Finally one question: will the statement be submitted to NGO signatures (I mean especially outsite the IGC)?


Le 11 mai 2011 à 10:39, William Drake a écrit :

> On May 11, 2011, at 9:50 AM, Jeremy Malcolm wrote:
>> The proposed eG8 will not be a negotiating forum, any more than the IGF. In that respect, it is nothing like the G8 meetings proper.  So I don't see that there is an inconsistency here.
> I had a different impression based on the side events of past 68 summits,  For example the Okinawa summit released the World Ec Forum's report and recs on the global digital divide (which I wrote) and the main meeting endorsed their thrust and promised cash (which generally failed to materialize). Other summits have made similarly declarations on cybersecurity and whatnot that came in part from non-IGO adjuncts. And the news reportage on this one says  The "Internet G8", a conference to be held in Paris on 24-25 May before the official G8 summit in Deauville, has been conceived to generate debate and ultimately a set of proposals from private sector stakeholders for the consideration of the eight heads of government,
> Maybe our French colleagues can clarify the precise agenda, but from what I'd hear this may be another one of those international events in which Sarko tries to launch some big new initiatives that's not been fully vetted with counterpart countries.  In this context, it'd be surprising if there are no recs or declarations of any sort being provided by the private sector heavies he's assembled.  And if so, then the IGF is sort of an odd model to say they should follow, no?
> Or maybe I'm missing something….
> Bill
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Meryem Marzouki - Paris, France
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