[governance] Not Rumour! But need positive attitudes! (Japan Earthquacke and Tsunami)
Rajendra Poudel
rajendrapoudel at gha.or.jp
Fri Mar 18 03:37:16 EDT 2011
Dear All,
We are the people now living inside Japan which has been hit by strongest
earthquake and Tsunami on March 11, 2011. More then 129 million people are
living inside Japan. The strong earthquake and Tsunami has caused 5,700
people dead and 9.500 still missing. Due to the damage of the Fukushima
Dai-ichi nuclear plant has created lots of uncertainity to among us who are
living inside Japan.
We want to see hope!, we want to see success of human development! and we
want to save life of people. Most of us who are living inside Japan are
passing our time with full of stress and uncertainity. Many TV news
channels, Radios, web blogs and medias has been broadcasting lots
of information about the Japan disaster. But some time some news or article
gives us lots of panic and we get in edge of loosing our faith.
Now we need positive thought inside our inner heart and mind. So this is
the blog for sharing only your positive thought among the people living in
Japan. People who are living in outside Japan please drop your positive
thought! You can write in both languages Japanese or English.
*WE CAN DO!, WE CAN SURVIVE!, WE CAN CONQUER! <goog_547828612>*
*WE NEED TO BE POSITIVE! <http://www.yagiten.com>*
Please drop only your positive thought in this blog!<http://www.yagiten.com>
*Precaution is necessary and can not be ignored in any cost, but still let
us not loose our faith. Let us not be in uncertainity! Be POSITIVE! WE CAN
DO! <http://www.yagiten.com>*
*I like to request all the users of Social network such as Facebook, Twitter
please drop us positive message, but not rumour! We have been already hit by
earthquake, Tusmani and at last by Nuclear threat. **We people here in Japan
believe, every thing is possible. Just we need positive attitude!!*
*with best regards*
*Rajendra Poudel*
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