[governance] Is This An Issue for Internet Governance/Internet Human Rights?
Paul Lehto
lehto.paul at gmail.com
Fri Jul 22 13:02:25 EDT 2011
On 7/22/11, Kerry Brown <kerry at kdbsystems.com> wrote:
> I'd rather err on the side of less Internet Governance and allow
> governments to create laws and regulations on what is allowed to be done on
> the Internet in their jurisdiction. [snip]
> These are legal issues though, not Internet Governance issues.
You are using the word "governance" here in a very different sense,
and arguably improperly. It is still governance to abstain from
action for the time being, or permanently, and let teh status quo and
market forces dictate the terms of commerce and communication. So,
supporting "less government" doesn't equate to issues about whether
the government should pass a law in a certain area NOT being "internet
governance" -- it is still internet governance.
Secondly, you distinguish "legal issues" and "internet governance
issues." There's a great deal of overlap between the two. Not all
legal issues are internet governance issues, but nearly all internet
governance issues COULD BE legal issues (whether it is wise for them
to be or not).
If any area that you or others believe the government should not
intervene in is therefore not an internet governance issue, arguably
your thoughts along these lines are off topic on this list. I hardly
think that is the case, so most of the trouble here is people such as
yourself using the term "governance" in a very different sense of
Paul Lehto, J.D.
Paul R Lehto, J.D.
P.O. Box 1
Ishpeming, MI 49849
lehto.paul at gmail.com
906-204-4026 (cell)
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