[governance] FW: TP: city government exercising policy on Google Applications / consumer rights / Consumer Protection Act / trial period
Norbert Bollow
nb at bollow.ch
Fri Jul 15 07:49:58 EDT 2011
parminder <parminder at itforchange.net> wrote:
> Mike, you do realise that US government used the .com guys for enforcing
> IPR law against what could be mere users.
Just to emphasize the seriousness of this situation, the
US government seems to feel justified in doing this even
in cases where the interactions in question are clearly
legal under all directly relevant local laws.
I mean just because a company say in Spain has a .com
domain name that should not be a reason why the company
should not be able to interact, in any way which is
legal in Spain, with customers who are located in Spain,
without risking to lose its domain name just because
something that is legal in Spain might be illegal under
US "IPR law".
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