[governance] CSTD Q5-Financing the forum

McTim dogwallah at gmail.com
Tue Jan 25 11:54:35 EST 2011

i would very much like to see who donates what to the igf, just out of
curiousity, but some transparency would be nice as well. Rgds, mctim

On 1/25/11, Roland Perry <roland at internetpolicyagency.com> wrote:
> In message
> <AANLkTikonEz_pOdH0ZbyDXe_eHQb5JpWfBawS3BoJbWz at mail.gmail.com>, at
> 16:38:10 on Mon, 24 Jan 2011, Marilia Maciel <mariliamaciel at gmail.com>
> writes
>>Does anyone know if this list of donnors is updated?
>>Is there any more relevant source about it
> I believe they have an approximately annual "sponsors meeting", but
> there must surely be someone on this list who knows the process from the
> 'inside'.
> --
> Roland Perry
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