[governance] CSTD Q4-Working methods and preparation

Roland Perry roland at internetpolicyagency.com
Tue Jan 25 11:31:31 EST 2011

In message 
<93F4C2F3D19A03439EAC16D47C591DDE03361090F5 at suex07-mbx-08.ad.syr.edu>, 
at 10:31:56 on Tue, 25 Jan 2011, Lee W McKnight <lmcknigh at syr.edu> 

>It all depends on how structured as Marila suggests.
>Scalability can be managed with various threshold participant numbers requiring different tools and methods.

The usual way it's done is by local meetings and subcommittees, then 
appointing representatives to go to a physical meeting to nail down all 
the final details. If the IGF manages to find a way to scale these 
processes into an online environment (for the topic of Internet 
Governance), the whole world can then use the same tools for discussing 
other completely unrelated topics. That would be a very empowering 
Roland Perry
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