[governance] CSTD Q7-Outreach and cooperation with other fora

Marilia Maciel mariliamaciel at gmail.com
Sun Jan 23 21:37:41 EST 2011

* **Outreach to and cooperation with other organisations and fora dealing
with IG issues*

-          Increase the influence of the IGF over decision-making bodies:

Ex: Strengthen the link between the IGF and CSTD, main responsible for WSIS
follow-up. CSTD should take into account inputs from the IGF when drafting
its annual resolution

-          Accountability review of fora involved in IG (IGF as a watchdog?)

Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade
FGV Direito Rio

Center for Technology and Society
Getulio Vargas Foundation
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
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