[governance] Agenda for the next CSTD WG meeting Fwd: Working Group on the improvement to the IGF

Jeremy Malcolm jeremy at ciroap.org
Sat Jan 22 05:13:15 EST 2011

On 22/01/2011, at 5:49 PM, Fouad Bajwa wrote:

> I am unable to find a public notification or IGC consensus on having
> such a list run in a closed environment or limiting access to only a
> group?

It's not limited, feel free to join.

Jeremy Malcolm
Project Coordinator
Consumers International
Kuala Lumpur Office for Asia Pacific and the Middle East
Lot 5-1 Wisma WIM, 7 Jalan Abang Haji Openg, TTDI, 60000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: +60 3 7726 1599

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