[governance] Tunisia

Derrick L. Cogburn dcogburn at syr.edu
Sun Jan 16 09:43:05 EST 2011

Great note Anriette. I too have been thinking about WSIS Tunis as these events unfolded. I'd been to Tunisia several times before WSIS, but the contrasts in 2005 between the hopeful possibilities of the information society being discussed inside with what was happening outside in the city were indeed striking.

I wish everyone in Tunisia the best in this new phase, which will certainly not be without its own challenges.


Dr. Derrick L. Cogburn
Associate Professor
American University
Syracuse University
Director: COTELCO Center

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 16, 2011, at 9:24 AM, "parminder" <parminder at itforchange.net<mailto:parminder at itforchange.net>> wrote:

Congratulations to all Tunisians. One can imagine what a heady moment it must be for you all. Parminder

Khaled KOUBAA wrote:
People here have been delivered from the dictatorship of Ben Ali.
Everyone know become free to express himself and discuss what ever he wants. I personally was not able to write such email before 15/01/2011
Thank you for all your support for Tunisia and hope that our friends from Arab World will take this huge opportunity to wake up.

Le 16/01/2011 12:55, Anriette Esterhuysen a écrit :
For those of us who were in Tunis in 2005... is it not extraordinary what is happening there at the moment?  It was amazing to see interviews with some of our Tunisian colleagues (who we were delicately trying to support while involved in the rather politically complex process of participating in a summit in Tunis while also supporting local human rights organisations) on Al Jazeera.

It would be good to hear reactions from the Tunisian members of this list. Off list responses probably best as this is not quite on topic.


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