[governance] Fwd: Contributions to the outcomes on the discussions on CSTD priority themes

Hakikur Rahman email at hakik.org
Sat Jan 8 08:38:30 EST 2011

Dear Izumi,

I will be pleased to volunteer, if opportunity exists, especially the 
second theme is relevant to my research area.

Thanking you,

At 06:43 AM 1/7/2011, Izumi AIZU wrote:
>Dear list,
>I just found this request - buried in my mailbox - from CSTD secretariat,
>missing almost two weeks and the deadline is Jan 15. So sorry about
>Is there any volunteer to prepare draft for our submission?
>That will help.
>many thanks,
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>From: Mongi Hamdi <Mongi.Hamdi at unctad.org>
>Date: 2010/12/24
>Subject: Contributions to the outcomes on the discussions on CSTD
>priority themes
>Dear colleagues and participants,
>First of all, allow me to thank you for your participation in the
>inter-sessional panel of the Commission on Science and Technology for
>Development (CSTD) which took place 15-17 December 2010.
>I would like to remind you to please send us the "main findings and
>recommendations" on the priority themes of the CSTD before 15 January
>2011, for us to include them for discussion at the 14th session of the
>CSTD, which will take place in May 2011.
>These priority themes are:
>-Technologies to address challenges in areas such as agriculture and water
>-Measuring the impact of information and communications technologies
>for development
>In this connection, I am attaching the issues papers which the
>Secretariat has prepared for this Panel for reference.
>I look forward to hearing from you soon and wishing you a very happy
>holidays and a prosperous new year.
>Mongi Hamdi
>Mongi Hamdi
>Head, Science, Technology and ICT Branch/DTL
>United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
>Head of the Secretariat of the United Nations Commission
>on Science and Technology for Development
>Palais des Nations
>Room E-7077
>Geneva, Switzerland
>Tel. 004122 917 5069
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>Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="agriculture-f.pdf"
>Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="agriculture-f.pdf"
>X-Attachment-Id: 5ea1268d0850f9be_0.1
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