[governance] New membership database: choose your own username

David Allen David_Allen_AB63 at post.harvard.edu
Sun Jan 2 10:24:30 EST 2011

On Jan 2, 2011, at 9:40 AM, Roland Perry wrote:

> In message <E61F032C-9A08-431D-A3AA-2372C3442EEB at ciroap.org>, at  
> 19:01:01 on Sun, 2 Jan 2011, Jeremy Malcolm <jeremy at ciroap.org> writes
>> When registering, please use the same email address with which you  
>> are subscribed to the governance list.  This is important because  
>> it will enable me to flag you as an official IGC member (ie. one  
>> who voted in the last coordinator elections), if indeed you are  
>> one.  (If not, please register anyway - especially if you intend to  
>> vote at the next coordinator elections.)
> Having registered and validated (an extra step not mentioned above)  
> it then says the account has to be "authorised". Which is perhaps  
> why...
>> Visiting the page above is also the way, from now on, to subscribe  
>> to or unsubscribe from the governance mailing list.  (Unfortunately  
>> due to software limitations, your password for the mailing list Web  
>> site won't be automatically set to the one you choose when creating  
>> your database entry - you'll need to set it again when logging in  
>> there, or use any password you may have had there before.)
> ... when it goes on to ask for a username and password, it doesn't  
> recognise either my username or email address (and, of course, I  
> have no password, or if I did it was forgotten years ago).
> [This report sent to the list, in case others are puzzling over the  
> same issue].


Surely good questions.  I believe we are seeing a standard Drupal  
mechanism for a protected site.  If this is correct, a password will  
come along subsequently.  Awaiting, of course, Jeremy's direction in  
the matter.


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