AW: [governance] on Observers at MAG meeting
dogwallah at
Sat Feb 26 15:30:52 EST 2011
2011/2/26 Salanieta T. Tamanikaiwaimaro <salanieta.tamanikaiwaimaro at>:
> omg
> Does the $90million cover include costs for unmet SLAs and exposures to
> service providers? Although they are exempt from litigation, I suppose
> because they were legislated to disconnect. This very act of using a "kill
> switch" supports the argument for removing control from a national level to
> an international level.
NO, IT DOESN'T!! It supports the idea that "control" over the
Internet is not at all useful.
> The only question
That is not at all the only question.
is whether there would be tiered controls or not. I
> suppose the arguments would have to come under the ICESCR and perhaps a new
> schedule within the GATS - creation of options.
> But first, we would have to revise or add on Montesqiue, Locke and Hobbe's
> philosophy to capture the basis of possible controls and who should have
> control.
People should have control over their own networks. Governments can
control their own. Haven't we learned ANYTHING in the last 6 weeks?
Do you honestly believe that a government that feels threatened is
going to abide by an international agreement NOT to shut off
communications to its citizens?
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