[governance] Happy December holidays and New Year 2012 through an IG crystal ball
Ginger Paque
gpaque at gmail.com
Wed Dec 21 19:04:33 EST 2011
Dear colleagues and friends,
I hope you have some time to reflect on an extremely eventful year behind
us. Earlier this week, we held a quite dynamic webinar on the 10 main
developments in IG in 2011. The webinar discussion naturally evolved into
predictions of developments for 2012. During the week of 9th of January,
we plan to held another webinar focusing on the 10 Main Developments in IG
in 2012. Please join us for this “crystal ball” exercise. More info will
follow via e-mail.
In Diplo tradition, we have prepared our 2012
As you can see from this link the calendar addresses some of current
concerns faced by individuals and institutions worldwide. If you would like
to receive the printed version of the calendar, please let us know your
address at calendar at diplomacy.edu
We wish you a very Happy New Year!
Warm wishes,
Ginger (Virginia) Paque
IGCBP Online Courses <http://www.diplointernetgovernance.org/>
Diplo Foundation
VirginiaP at diplomacy.edu
*The latest from Diplo: * Learn about Internet governance and ICT policy:
enrol for the 2012 Internet Governance Capacity Building Programme
more info<http://bit.ly/t5fKnw>
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