[governance] Another Immovable Legal Object Meeting An Irresistable Internet Force (this time it ain't Taipei...
Sonigitu Ekpe
sonigituekpe at crossriverstate.gov.ng
Thu Aug 25 00:15:31 EDT 2011
Dear Sala,
You are making more sense in the thread.
Many do know, but they just want the issue of regulations to sound
like......, we must understand that moving forward entails concrete actions
& efforts rather than leapfogging.
Your points are great and modification of regulations should be seen in
terms of profits.
Best regards,
On 24 Aug 2011 20:27, "Salanieta T. Tamanikaiwaimaro" <
salanieta.tamanikaiwaimaro at gmail.com> wrote:
Definitely we all come from different perspectives and some exchanges are
truly lively and interesti...
I am enjoying the mathematical representation of the difference in
perception. I would like to introduce another assumption, am not sure what
the mathematical representation would be but I will give it a try:
*Perspective 1*
i: a< i < b; where the range represents those who subscribe to the view that
there are regulatory mechanisms and proven governance models within
countries that can deal with issues in relation to internet governance and
we don't need more organisations and laws;
*Perspective 2*
i:c<i<d; where the range represents those who think that you cannot regulate
the internet with existing governance models because all the stakeholders do
not subscribe to the "regulatory mechanisms of any one country" nor proven
governance models although there may be a semblance
*** *Of course, there are many more diverse perspectives, some which will
overlap with others in part, etc. We can add on ti the list.*
What if we have not only a vertical/some vertical representation model(s)
but at the same time verti...
The logical thing to do is to identify what the *common grounds and core
internet governance issues* are, what do all stakeholders feel is critically
important to them?
What are the *values, philosophies or undergirding ethics* that stakeholders
can *at the very least *agree to subscribe to?
Whilst states are sovereign, it does not mean that they have absolute
control over their territories [I will not get into this].
I am beginning to wonder whether the vertical distribution of power and
horizontal representations should in fact be a concentric model?
Where if you start with what we have in common and work our way from there.
On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 5:11 AM, Philippe Blanchard <
philippe.blanchard at me.com> wrote:
> I would like to bounce back on Salanieta's comments and push the analogy a
bit further.
> Defi...
" Perfect Stillness in the midst of the noise".
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