[governance] China supports UK Internet Policy

Riaz K Tayob riaz.tayob at gmail.com
Sat Aug 20 04:51:45 EDT 2011

On 2011/08/20 11:15 AM, Roland Perry wrote:
> The Internet Governance question is: does the involvement of the 
> Internet cast a veil of immunity over all acts of badness, or only 
> some of them? 

Perhaps one can look at a more procedural question first - in what fora?

Internationally, the multi-stakeholder non-binding forum of the IGF, the 
Human Rights Council, or other treaty making body?

Or should this be left to national discretion?

And is it really about "internet immunity" or about the right to free 
speech or association, that traditionally has limits and requires due 
process before being violated, albeit with special enforcement issues 
(although not too different from the mobile phone, like the San 
Francisco pre-emptory strike on mobile communications recently, which 
itself raises questions beyond the Bushisms on telecoms operators).

And while this is one level to look at this issue, there are others, 
where criminal and civil sanctions are being shaped in other fora like 
ACTA or the TPP.
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