On NN workshop RE: Re: [governance] Three IGC workshops ) NN FYI DIPLO

Milton L Mueller mueller at syr.edu
Mon Apr 18 11:28:31 EDT 2011

> -----Original Message-----
> That definition excludes the possibility of blocking VoIP because the
> incumbent telco doesn't want the commercial competition.

[Milton L Mueller] 

No, it doesn't. The telco doesn't block ALL VoIP, it blocks someone else's VoIP 

> VoIP is a clearly a "service type"; there are many owners and origins,
> and the content could just as easily be people trying to book hotel
> rooms, as calls to organise an anti-government protest meeting.
[Milton L Mueller] 

VoIP is never blocked because it is a "service type," it is blocked because it is _your_ service and not" _my_ service, ergo it is discrimination based on the origin or owner of the service. 

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