[governance] Panelists needed - "Mapping IG" workshop

Norbert Bollow nb at bollow.ch
Tue Apr 12 04:30:53 EDT 2011

Dear all,
  as the workshop proposal submisstion deadline is approaching
fast, I need your help with finding a reasonably well-balanced
and interesting group of panelists. (Already for the workshop
proposal which is due on Friday a list of panelists is needed.)

Specifically for the "Mapping Internet Governance" workshop,
I think that it is important to have the perspectives of
potential users of the Map from all stakeholder groups
represented among the panelists.

Therefore...do you have suggestions/recommendations for the

* Someone from a development country government who'd represent
  a "government stakeholder" user's perspective for the map.
  I think that the panelist should be a from a country where
  the government is reasonably democratic, respectful of human
  rights, and does not have too bad a reputation with regard to

* Someone from industry who'd represent a "private sector
  stakeholder" user's perspective for the map. I think that the
  panelist should be a from a company which has neither a monopoly
  nor a dominant market position. (I'm not looking from someone
  who works full-time for a industry lobby organization, because
  in my opinion at least, the main target group of the Map should
  not so much be professional lobbyists, but as far as possible
  the various stakeholders themselves.)

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