R: R: [governance] Nobel Prize for The Internet

Carlos A. Afonso ca at cafonso.ca
Thu Sep 16 05:24:18 EDT 2010

Wow, now I am even more scared than Parminder!


On 09/16/2010 05:27 AM, Fiorello Cortiana wrote:
> Internet is a cognitive collective enterprise don't be distracted by the infrastructure
> Fiorello
> ________________________________
> Da: parminder [mailto:parminder at itforchange.net]
> Inviato: giovedì 16 settembre 2010 10.17
> A: governance at lists.cpsr.org
> Oggetto: Re: R: [governance] Nobel Prize for The Internet
> I am sorry, but I hate to give human status to any artifact.... even the Internet... And Nobel prize is for human beings, maybe the best among them or whatever..... Next we may hear is that 'the Internet has rights'..... not  at all going in good directions if you ask me :)
> (At a recent conf i was given this T shirt - dont think what the Internet can do you you - think what you can do to the Internet -- this kind of expressions almost scare me, and make me feel belittled as a human being in front of a 'system'... Well if we are insistent on going down that path then lets give noble prize to the 'system' instead, the all powerful one)
> parmindr
> On Thursday 16 September 2010 01:26 PM, Fiorello Cortiana wrote:
> 	We have to be pragmatic, the Nobel Prize to the net could be useful to
> 	recognize it as a commons, the wider public space in the human history, not
> 	a new  infrastructure after telegraph, telephon, radio, television and PC. This is why we need an extension of the rights in
> 	a new way: multilevel and multistakeholder. I know what I say under
> 	Berlusconi's Government  the freedom of expression on the net is in peril.
> 	With Stefano Rodotà and many other we gathered 400.000 signatures under an
> 	appeal against an awful proposal of law and this time we won. Ready to the next one :)
> 	Fiorello
> 	-----Messaggio originale-----
> 	Da: Carlos A. Afonso [mailto:ca at cafonso.ca]
> 	Inviato: giovedì 16 settembre 2010 9.30
> 	A: governance at lists.cpsr.org; Jeanette Hofmann
> 	Cc: Shahzad Ahmad
> 	Oggetto: Re: [governance] Nobel Prize for The Internet
> 	I of course agree with Jean, although perhaps I would not phrase it as bluntly :)
> 	--c.a.
> 	On 09/15/2010 07:20 PM, Jeanette Hofmann wrote:
> 		I think this is a real rubbish idea and I am very much against sending
> 		any message to that effect.
> 		jeanette
> 		On 15.09.2010 16:05, Shahzad Ahmad wrote:
> 			I suggest that one of CS representative strongly raise the support
> 			for the Nobel Prize for the Internet either in the closing session or
> 			in regular interventions in the plenary. It will be good if IGF sends
> 			a strong message out on this.
> 			Best wishes and regards
> 			Shahzad
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