[governance] Governance issues in the Pacific ignored on the list

David Goldstein goldstein_david at yahoo.com.au
Sun Sep 5 20:42:34 EDT 2010

Hi all,

Last week there was an Internet Governance  meeting in Fiji, and as far as I can 
tell, the meeting was ignored on this list. I can't find a reference to it in 
the archives.

Why? It seems a dereliction of the reason for this list that it ignores such a 

For more information including an ABC Radio report, see:

Internet governance issues arise in Pacific
An important workshop on Internet governance and communications technology was 
held in Fiji last week, but at least one invitee refused to attend due to Fiji's 
strict media censorship.


David Goldstein
email: goldstein_david at yahoo.com.au
web:  http://davidgoldstein.tel/
phone: +61 418 228 605 - mobile; +61 2 9665 5773 - office/home
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