[governance] enhanced cooperation consultations

Izumi AIZU iza at anr.org
Tue Nov 30 03:16:25 EST 2010

I also asked the secretariat if we really need WSIS or ECOSOC accreditation
to attend, and requested the following, as well as more logistical information
as to the venue etc.

"As many of our members are new after WSIS and IGFdoes not require
such accreditation , we like to see it open, not limited to these entities with
accreditation,  just like the IGF and CSTD consultation meetings in Geneva."

The thing is that I asked CSTD secretariat if we need WSIS accreditation and
the reply was NO, the only reason that time was they used the standard UN form
but there was no intention to apply that status. As this time the host
in NYC and on EC not IGF, they may apply the rule more strictly, but
we should not take it automatically granted.

Let's see how they will reply.

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