[governance] more comments?

Marilia Maciel mariliamaciel at gmail.com
Wed Nov 24 09:04:06 EST 2010

Thanks Izumi for drafting this good contribution in such a short time.
Do we have an online repository where we can archive our previous
statements? I am sure this would make the life of the coordinators easier,
would help us map the evolution of our positions and to strengthen the
coherence of our contributions.

Do we have such a space?

Thank you


On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 10:13 AM, Izumi AIZU <iza at anr.org> wrote:

> Here is the text I prepared to bring in to the session, but as I mentioned
> I have to leave shortly. If any of members here can say something from
> these,
> either under IGC or on your own, that will be very much appreciated.
> IF not, we will work on these more for the coming CSTD consultation in
> December.
> izumi
> ----------
> We request strongly to keep the Multi-stakeholder approach in all the
> organizing works of the IGF, including MAG, Consultations and CSTD
> working groups, attention to the balance of all stakeholders.
> IGC would like to emphasize the importance of keeping the secretariat
> function and working methodology achieved through the past five years
> that have been the key to the success of IGF to date.
> We strongly request that the new MAG/secretariat should keep the open
> and inclusive approach. IGF should promote the participation from all
> stakeholders from all different parts of the world, especially from
> developing parts, pay sufficient attention to achieve gender balance,
> involve youth, and not to give special privileges to any particular
> group or stakeholders.
> IGF should also give equal weight to all stakeholders when making
> decisions – we mean to governments, civil society, private sector, and
> technical and academic communities.
> Again, we want to emphasize the importance of keeping all meetings and
> the works open and transparent – full use of webcast and other online
> tools in IGF meeting as well as all consultation meetings and MAG
> meetings are essential.
> We also request that IGF should ensure its independence from the
> influence of financial donors in open, transparent manner.
> For the composition of the new MAG, we request to foster:
> - Transparency on the elections or selections of its members
> - More proactive role on producing the summary of the IGF. We believe
> it should not rest to the responsibility of the chair alone, same goes
> true on identifying the main points discussed.
> MAG should also map the points of divergence among stakeholders and
> finally, if possible, we expect the new MAG to help identify points of
> consensus in IGF discussions.
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