[governance] Additional comment I made

parminder at itforchange.net parminder at itforchange.net
Wed Nov 24 05:27:37 EST 2010

as you know izumi, i have much reservation about the way Asia Pacific IGF
(??) was organised... I cant promote it as a model... so pl dont mention
that . thanks. parminder

> On Question 1, I just added the following (not precisely reading out
> but as draft).
> It's not the IGC's formal statement, but nevertheless I made it.
> I/we will intervene more as the Agenda progresses.
> As the chair is now taking comments on question by question.
> Thanks,
> izumi
> ----------
> I would like to request to include all the regional and national IGF
> initiatives in this synthesis document as input to the consultation
> process which are not recorded too well yet.
> This year, for example, the first attempt of Asia Pacific Regional IGF
> was organized with the Hong Kong people’s strong initiative including
> MAG members, but also with a wide range of AP IGF community people
> involved in the organizing of the event. There were some shortages,
> for example not sufficient out-reach, resources etc, but overall it
> made a good impact.
> Inspired by that, Japanese Internet community and like-minded people
> also hosted a preliminary meeting in the end of October as a side
> event to APEC Tel Min meeting in Okinawa, and we agreed to form IGF
> Japan as not one-shot event, but also an ongoing place for dialogue of
> national and regional public policy issues, that relates also to the
> global public issues.
> This is but just one example – we see more emergence of IGFs globally,
> with the multi-stakeholder, open and inclusive process or approach,
> spreading, or infecting policy makers, industry, and among us, the
> Civil society and NGOs working in the field.
> ------
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