[governance] GA resolution

Izumi AIZU iza at anr.org
Wed Nov 24 04:29:07 EST 2010

I have spoken to some people who have more knowledge about the UN negotiation
on IGF in NYC. Some said the final text is "more positive" than the original one
in relation to the Multi-stakeholder approach etc. Other guy also said even
it will be largely managed by DESA, headed by Mr Sha, they will keep the open
approach being exercised so far.

The original plan of limiting one speaker from one stakeholder group for the EC
consultation meeting was purely for logistical reason, size of the room,
and they were able to change that so that they can accommodate more people.

Whether these are really so remain to be seen, and the GA resolution will be
published likely today - we will see.


                        >> Izumi Aizu <<

          Institute for InfoSocionomics, Tama University, Tokyo

           Institute for HyperNetwork Society, Oita,
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           << Writing the Future of the History >>
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