[governance] Additional points for tomorrow's CSTD consultation meeting

Izumi AIZU iza at anr.org
Tue Nov 23 11:58:10 EST 2010

Sure, Parminder, noted these.

Any other comments? I will wait more as we have time till tomorrow.


2010/11/24  <parminder at itforchange.net>:
> in the list of stakeholders, just put CS before private sector
> and, on the financial independence sentence
> we can use the term
> 'ensure its independence ......'
>> On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 12:48 PM, Izumi AIZU <iza at anr.org> wrote:
>>> Here is my crude draft statement/comment for tomorrow's CSTD
>>> consultation
>>> meeting, in addition to the questionnaire already submitted, and I plan
>>> to
>>> distribute the copies there.
>>> Below is sort of sketchy draft of points I propose.
>>> ----
>>> As the addition to the answer to the questionnaire:
>>> IGC would like to emphasize the importance of keeping and enhancing
>>> the secretariat functions of the past five years as follows:
>>> Keep the Multi-stakeholder approach in line with Tunis agenda for all
>>> exercises of IGF,
>>> - In the organizing of the IGF meeting, MAG and Consultation meetings,
>>> - pay attention to the balance of all stakeholders
>>> Keep the open and inclusive approach:
>>> - Receive and encourage the participation from all stakeholders from
>>> all different
>>>  parts of the world, gender balance, youth, giving no privileges to
>>> any particular group or stakeholders.
>>> - Give equal weight to all stakeholders (when making operational
>>> decisions) – governments, private sector,
>>> civil society, technical and academic communities, and IGOs.
>>> Keep all meetings open and transparent – full use of webcast, audio,
>>> video and transcripts
>>>  and other online tools in IGF meeting as well as all consultation
>>> and MAG meetings.
>>> Keep (enhance?) its independence from the influence of financial donors.
>>> Please add your comments and suggestions,
>>> izumi
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                        >> Izumi Aizu <<

          Institute for InfoSocionomics, Tama University, Tokyo

           Institute for HyperNetwork Society, Oita,
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