[governance] Nov 22/23/24 Consultation Meetings - who are coming?

Izumi AIZU iza at anr.org
Mon Nov 8 07:04:34 EST 2010

I got confirmation from Jovan, that we can use DiploFoundation
office during our stay in Geneva.

I like to propose to have the first meeting on Sunday, Nov 21,
at 3 pm at Diplo office:

56, Rue de Lausanne
CH-1202 Geneva
Phone: +41 22 741 0420
Fax:     +41 22 731 1663

We like to discuss our plan - how to engage with these
consultation meetings and also, if time permits, some
more discussion on our future work - especially how to
deal with IGF continuation debate for coming weeks,
December CSTD WG consultation meeting and, in case,
UN GA etc.

Any other suggestion is very much welcome.

And, please let us know who else will be in Geneva if
not yet posted here.



2010/11/8 Izumi AIZU <iza at anr.org>:
> Yes, there are some 6 or 7 people still connected with
> IGF10 Skype group chat.
> I will try to sort of coordinate our remote moderation, though
> it may not be that easy when the debate there gets intense.
> izumi
> 2010/11/8 Ginger Paque <gpaque at gmail.com>:
>> I agree with Izumi, let's use the Skype group. Twitter is fine for news
>> updates, but Skype is better for conversations.
>> If anyone wants to be added to the group, just let Izumi or me know.
>> Thanks! Best, Ginger
>> Ginger (Virginia) Paque
>> IGCBP Online Coordinator
>> DiploFoundation
>> www.diplomacy.edu/ig
>> The latest from Diplo...
>> http://igbook.diplomacy.edu is the online companion to An Introduction to
>> Internet Governance, Diplo's publication on IG. Download the book, read the
>> blogs and post your comments.
>> On 11/8/2010 6:44 AM, Izumi AIZU wrote:
>> Sure, will try, perhaps mainly using the Skype Group, IGF10,
>> is that OK?
>> We can also try twitter, if people support that, but that tends to
>> become more spontaneous, and hard to follow the substance.
>> What do you think?
>> izumi
>> 2010/11/8 Baudouin SCHOMBE <b.schombe at gmail.com>:
>> hello all,
>> I agree with Ginger, can you  facilitate remote participation?
>> Téléphone mobile: +243998983491/+243811980914
>> email:                   b.schombe at gmail.com
>> blog:                     http://akimambo.unblog.fr
>> 2010/11/5 Ginger Paque <gpaque at gmail.com>
>> An advantage to the Diplo office is that it is within a few blocks of
>> Cornavin. Unfortunately, I will not be able to be present. Please follow
>> this up, as Diplo is a willing support partner.
>> Can we form a Skype group for remote chat conversations? I always found
>> that to be very helpful during the meetings, both planning meeting, and the
>> OC itself.
>> gp
>> On 11/5/2010 10:34 AM, Izumi AIZU wrote:
>> Yes, I have contacted DiploFoundation if we can use their office and
>> in general they said
>> yes. I need to know how many of us will come to Geneva, say on Sunday,
>> if we are to convene, and also on Tuesday when we cannot enter into
>> the MAG closed meeting.
>> izumi
>> 2010/11/5 Hartmut Glaser <glaser at nic.br>:
>> Hi,
>> -----------------
>> On 04/11/10 12:56, Izumi AIZU wrote:
>> Dear list,
>> IGF will have Taking stock of the Vilnius Meeting as follows, and the
>> registration
>> is now open and will be CLOSED by Nov. 18:
>>  http://info.intgovforum.org/regnov.php
>>     * 22 November: Open Consultations.
>>     * 23 November: MAG meeting.
>>  (Both meetings will be held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva.)
>> There will also be CSTD Open Consultation meeting on 22 Nov, back-to-back.
>> I just sent an email to CSTD secretariat asking for any practical
>> information
>> on CSTD open consultation meeting scheduled on Nov 24.
>> I like to know who will be attending these meetings from our Caucus, and
>> also ask you if we can have any preparatory meeting in advance, I mean
>> on Nov 21, Sunday.
>> I will arrive around 1 pm at Geneva. If possible, let's have a meeting
>> from,
>> say 3 or 4 pm. We like to have some kind of work plan how to get involved,
>> and also how to report/share with the caucus.
>> Do you have a proposal for this meeting venue?
>> --
>> Ginger (Virginia) Paque
>> IGCBP Online Coordinator
>> DiploFoundation
>> www.diplomacy.edu/ig
>> The latest from Diplo...
>> http://igbook.diplomacy.edu is the online companion to An Introduction to
>> Internet Governance, Diplo's publication on IG. Download the book, read the
>> blogs and post your comments.
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> --
>                         >> Izumi Aizu <<
>           Institute for InfoSocionomics, Tama University, Tokyo
>            Institute for HyperNetwork Society, Oita,
>                                   Japan
>                                  * * * * *
>            << Writing the Future of the History >>
>                                 www.anr.org

                        >> Izumi Aizu <<

          Institute for InfoSocionomics, Tama University, Tokyo

           Institute for HyperNetwork Society, Oita,
                                 * * * * *
           << Writing the Future of the History >>
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