[governance] New CSTD questionnaire on the IGF

Marilia Maciel mariliamaciel at gmail.com
Sat Nov 6 19:38:26 EDT 2010

Dear Jeremy,

I agree with your proposal. The deadline is tight and we need to start
working immediatly.


On Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 1:37 PM, Jeremy Malcolm <jeremy at ciroap.org> wrote:

> In addition to the existing CSTD questionnaire on WSIS outcomes, the second
> questionnaire on IGF improvements has just been released at
> http://www.unctad.org/cstd.  Meanwhile, we've been informed that "due to
> diverging opinions", the composition of the working group has not yet been
> decided and that consultations about this issue are still underway.
> So until the CSTD's IGF working group is officially appointed, my
> suggestion is that the nominees that our nomcom put forward for that group
> should put their heads together and come up with a draft response to the
> questionnaire for us.  (In fact Izumi and I had discussed that they could do
> this for the earlier CSTD questionnaire too.)
> If this is OK with everyone, I'll set up another new mailing list for that
> group, and add the nominated members to it.  We'll ask them to put together
> a draft response to the questionnaire, and to run it past the main mailing
> list not later than 12 November (a week before the deadline).
> --
> *Jeremy Malcolm
> Project Coordinator*
> Consumers International
> Kuala Lumpur Office for Asia Pacific and the Middle East
> Lot 5-1 Wisma WIM, 7 Jalan Abang Haji Openg, TTDI, 60000 Kuala Lumpur,
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Getulio Vargas Foundation
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