[governance] Nominations for the IGC Appeals team

Guru गुरु Guru at ITforChange.net
Wed Nov 3 05:53:02 EDT 2010


The Nomcom having completed the selection of nominees for the CSTD 
working group has now begun work on constituting the Internet Governance 
Caucus Appeals Team. As the chair for this task (the other members of 
NOMCOM are Ian Peter, Qusai Al-Shatti, Hempal Shrestha and Jacquiline 
Morris), I would like to share the the list of candidates (in no 
particular order) we have from the recent ballot and questionaire - 
(excluding those who are members of the nomcom and have withdrawn their 

Imran Ahmed Shah
Dr. Olivier Crepin-Leblond
Ginger Paque
Divina Frau-Meigs
Fearghas McKay
Nnenna Nwakanma
Fouad Bajwa
Avri Doria
Kwasi Adu-Boahen Opare
Qusai Al-Shatti
Rudi Vansnick
Charity Gamboa-Embley
Ben Akoh

If you are on the list above and no longer wish to be considered, please 
advise within 48 hours so we can finalise the slate by writing to 
nomcom at igf-online.net

*The role of the Appeals team (see below) is very important, and we 
actively encourage more members to send in their nominations. If you 
would like to be added to this list for consideration, please also write 
to nomcom at igf-online.net within 48 hours.
The purpose of the Appeals Team as stated in our charter 
(http://www.igcaucus.org/charter) is as follows: "Any time 4 individual 
members of the IGC co-sign a statement on the main IGC mailing list they 
can appeal any decision of the coordinators. When a decision is 
appealed, the appeals team will review any discussions that occurred and 
will request comments from the IGC membership. Based on the information 
they collect and discussion, they will decide on the merit of the appeal."

The criteria for selection of Appeals Team members are as follows:
A) Qualified IGC member
Appeals team should be Civil Society Internet Governance Caucus (CS IGC) 
Anyone who have subscribed to the IGC Charter and subscribed to the IGC 
caucus mailing list for 2 months prior to the announcement of the 
appeals team Nomcom process is eligible to be a candidate.

B) Qualifications
Nomcom will primarily select persons based on their knowledge and 
experience of issues faced by the caucus and their neutrality.
The successful candidate should be a person with thoughtful and unbiased 
consideration and have a stated (and demonstrated) commitment to 
consultation and dialogue with the community.

C) Diversity and balance
Appeal Team collectively should have good diversity and balance. The 
attributes to be considered include, but not limited to Geographic and 
cultural diversity, - Gender, Age,  Skill set and knowledge, Disability

These will be treated as a goal, but not as the absolute requirement.

D) Others
To avoid capture, no more than one employee/representative of a 
particular organization should serve on the Appeal Team at any given time.

Nominations may be sent to this mailing list, or to myself as chair of 
the Nomcom.  Self-nominations are permitted (and encouraged), though a 
seconding member may help your application. Five members of the Appeals 
Team are required. 

And finally - as not all nomcom members know all the candidates, we 
invite all nominees to send some brief information about themselves and 
their suitability to represent IGC - again to nomcom at igf-online.net 
within 48 hours.

Gurumurthy Kasinathan
IT for Change | www.ITforChange.Net | Tel:98454 37730
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