[governance] IGF continuance and ECOSOC

Renate Bloem (Gmail) renate.bloem at gmail.com
Mon Jul 19 07:43:16 EDT 2010

Not on the discussion of the IGF continuance, but this happened also on


 <http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/17/world/17cyber.html?_r=2> Step Taken to
End Impasse Over Cybersecurity Talks 

Renate Bloem




-----Original Message-----
From: Roland Perry [mailto:roland at internetpolicyagency.com] 
Sent: samedi, 17. juillet 2010 19:13
To: governance at lists.cpsr.org
Subject: [governance] IGF continuance and ECOSOC


The best information I have (which may not be up to date) was that the 

IGF continuance would be on the agenda at the UN-ECOSOC meeting 

yesterday (Friday) afternoon in New York. Does anyone have any 

intelligence on what might be the outcome?


Roland Perry


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