[governance] The 4 different discussions regarding the MAG

Parminder parminder at itforchange.net
Mon Jan 18 22:04:02 EST 2010

Roland Perry wrote:
> In message 
> <701af9f71001181448r63a2fa03ga7a8097987d9873b at mail.gmail.com>, at 
> 03:48:00 on Tue, 19 Jan 2010, Fouad Bajwa <fouadbajwa at gmail.com> writes
>> When I was selected to into the MAG, I was notified that there would
>> be two MAG meetings for the task that MAG carries out but the program
>> for the IGF2009 Sharam was locked down in the very first meeting
>> allowing no modification to the program and none of the following
>> meetings in the form of Open Consultation/Public Meeting helped the
>> locked down program.
> So there's no opportunity for further confusion, 
With due respect I may suggest that IGF itslef is a lot of confusion, 
and if avoiding confusion is our main objective we could, well, even do 
without the whole thing. IGF is a political process, because governance 
of Internet matters, and often interests of different groups are 
different and a larger composite public interest needs to evolved 
through political processes, part of which happen inside the IGF, and 
rest should , consequently, happen outside.

In fact as part of the present proposal to do away with MAG meetings, it 
did get stated that Feb meeting has a more political task of framing an 
agenda, and the other two meetings are more programmatic. While it can 
only be a continuum, difficult to delimit, between the political and 
programmatic/ technical, my objection is precisely to do with efforts 
towards reducing the political nature of the IGF processes, in 
curtailing MAG meetings. This corresponds of difference in views on what 
is the primary character and objective of the IGF.

What is political process to some is confusion to others. Respective 
views are however not difficult to understand and place in a political 
economy context.

(To repeat, this is not personal but a larger political discussion.)


> what was the date (month is sufficient) of that "very first meeting" 
> you mention? And was that your very first MAG meeting, or the first in 
> 2009?
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