[governance] Call for consensus on IGC OC statement until 10 p.m GMT Monday.
CW Mail
mail at christopherwilkinson.eu
Mon Feb 8 12:24:45 EST 2010
I agree with the three proposals.
Should the authors still wish to improve the text, under 2. please
include a reference to financing and under 3. please edit out <giant>
On 07 Feb 2010, at 12:40, Ginger Paque wrote:
> Hello all,
> I apologize for being out of contact, as I have had a combination of
> electrical and Internet cuts, travel and all day meetings. I am now
> in Geneva, and attending your concerns about our statement for the
> OC on Tuesday.
> With Jeremy's pre-authorized consent, as he is out of contact, I am
> now making a call for consensus until 10 p.m. GMT Monday, Feb. 8th.
> This should allow us to make a final decision at the in situ meeting
> here in Geneva Monday evening. I will have my computer with me and
> connected (unless we have some unavoidable problem), so you can
> email or skype during the meeting, and we will try to reach a
> consensus with as many voices as possible. My skype login is
> gingerpaque.
> I propose that we find consensus on three short statements that can
> be read together or separately, as appropriate--not necessarily in
> the order shown. The final suggested closing is an iteration of
> Parminder's recent suggestion.
> An all agreement vote would read:
> 1: Yes
> 2: Yes
> 3: Yes
> Conversely, one could opine with all "No" or a combination of
> opinions.
> 1.
> Network neutrality has been an important architectural principle for
> the Internet. This principle is under considerable challenge as the
> Internet becomes the mainstream communication platform for almost all
> business and social activities. The IGC proposes a main session with
> the focus of Network Neutrality - Ensuring Openness in All Layers of
> the Internet. This main session should examine the implications of
> this principle, and its possible evolutionary interpretations for
> Internet policy in different areas. Issues about the openness of the
> Internet architecture are increasingly manifest in all layers of the
> Internet today.
> 2.
> A Development Agenda for Internet Governance Development is a key
> focus of the Tunis Agenda and its mandate for the IGF. But while
> development has been posed as a cross-cutting theme of IGF meetings,
> they have not featured a broadly inclusive and probing dialogue on
> what Internet Governance for Development (IG4D) might mean in
> conceptual and operational terms. To address this gap, the IGC
> previously has advocated a main session on A Development Agenda for
> Internet Governance, and some its members have organized workshops
> or produced position papers elaborating different visions of what
> such an agenda could entail. In light of the related discussions
> during the Sharm el Sheikh cycle, we renew our call for a main
> session on this theme. The dialogue at Vilnius could, inter alia,
> identify the linkages between Internet governance mechanisms and
> development, and consider options for mainstreaming development
> considerations into IGF discussions and Internet governance
> processes, as appropriate. We also continue to support the Swiss
> government's proposal to consider establishing a multi-stakeholder
> Working Group that could develop recommendations to the IGF on a
> development agenda.
> 3.
> Internet governance has up to this time largely been founded in
> technical principles and, increasingly, on the Internet’s
> functionality as a giant global marketplace. With the Internet
> becoming increasingly central to many social and political
> institutions, we are of the view that a consideration of 'internet
> rights and principles' can provide the basis for a more
> comprehensive conceptual framework for IG.
> In Sharm El Sheikh, specific 3-hour workshops on the two themes of a
> development agenda and Net Neutrality were organized, which
> represents a certain degree of maturity of these themes within the
> IGF context. These successful and productive sessions should be
> build upon in 2010.
> The Dynamic Coalition on Internet Rights and Principles has done
> dynamic and productive work on the issue of IRP, highlighting the
> concept of Dynamic Coalitions and laying the groundwork to address
> this issue as part of the Vilnius agenda.
> Thank you very much.
> Best,
> Ginger
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