[governance] Separate statement on themes for Vilnius

McTim dogwallah at gmail.com
Mon Feb 1 06:22:43 EST 2010


On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 1:47 PM, Jeremy Malcolm <jeremy at ciroap.org> wrote:
> On 29/01/2010, at 6:36 PM, Parminder wrote:
> and add, two substantive themes - development agenda and HR - for IGF
> Vilnius.... these are our long standing demands.... and what is the point
> not to suggest even broad areas for themes, when the present meeting will
> decide the themes, and a good part of the IGF is about these key themes for
> each IGF.
> I will suggest we also propose 'Network Neutrality or Open Internet' as a
> theme (good work was done on this theme by IGC co-sponsored workshop in IGF
> Sharm on this issue, and this work should be taken forward in a main session
> now)
> Ginger will be at the open consultation meeting and can deliver an oral
> statement on themes for the Vilnius meeting, separately to our statement
> looking back at Sharm el Sheikh.  It is entirely appropriate to split up our
> statements like this, and there is precedent for it.
> So, let's get to work on such a statement now.

Done (rewritten our statement from pre-Egypt:

IGC Statement on Themes for IGF 2010

The Internet Governance Caucus supports the "Right to
Internet Development" as a major theme for IGF-5 in Vilnius. This
should lead to discourse at the IGF meetings moving towards the
definition and clarification of Principles and Best Practices in
relation to Internet policy development, and how they relate to
pre-existing conditions in Internet Governance. It also includes a
space for discussions about the responsibilities of all parties.

This concept of "rights" continues to stress the importance of
openness, transparency and bottom up Internet policy and standards
development. This framework will continue to emphasize the significant
theme of the need to maintain interoperability and openness to ensure
the continued availability of the Internet ‘commons’, while adding the
important issues of devices, content and applications of their choice.
In keeping with current national and international debates regarding
an "open Internet" and relevant aspects of the often confusing network
neutrality discussions.

Net neutrality can often mean different things to different people.
The IGC feels that at a minimum, net neutrality discussions in the IGF
should recognize the principle of nondiscrimination of Internet
traffic based on the ownership, source, destination, port or protocol,
keeping in mind that providers must actively manage their networks in
the face of growing threats from SPAM, DDOS attacks and other forms of
abuse. this principle must apply to both wireless and wireline
broadband infrastructure.

The inclusion of "principles" allows for wide discussion of the
responsibilities that the different stakeholders have to each other.
It allows for open examination of the principles that govern Internet
policy making.

Given that Internet development and innovation contributes
significantly to economic and social development, the IGC strongly
supports the rights of people everywhere to contribute to the
continued eveolution of the Internet and its policy and standards
making bodies.

Within the mandate of the IGF and in support of strengthening this
multistakeholder  process, we ask that the IGF Secretariat continue
and expand the use of Remote Participation as a tool for attendance at
the IGF 2010 in Latvia as a proven method to include new voices. Best
Practices in this area would be a sub-theme of the Right to Internet


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