[governance] Consensus call on IGC statement: please respond YES

Siranush Vardanyan siranush_vardanyan at hotmail.com
Mon Feb 1 01:43:20 EST 2010

If I am not late for the deadline, here is my vote:


Yes + thematic working groups




Siranush Vardanyan

From: jeremy at ciroap.org
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 2010 21:10:27 +0800
To: divina.meigs at orange.fr; governance at lists.cpsr.org
Subject: Re: [governance] Consensus call on IGC statement: please respond YES

On 30/01/2010, at 8:53 PM, Divina MEIGS wrote:

Yes + thematic working groups

I really think at this stage no text should be in brackets and as many ideas should be made as visible as possible. The discussion among us that this has generated can continue among ourselves, with or without consensus, but it is important to be strong in the face of the other stakeholders at this stage of the negotiation.

Yes, absolutely, the brackets will be removed when the statement is submitted.  They are just present now for our own reference.


Jeremy Malcolm
Project Coordinator
Consumers International
Kuala Lumpur Office for Asia Pacific and the Middle East
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