[governance] Fwd: [ISOC] The Future of the Internet Governance Forum

Sivasubramanian M isolatedn at gmail.com
Fri Dec 10 14:03:31 EST 2010


Is there a possibility that a few powerful Governments instructed their CSTD
representatives to cause this sudden shift in thinking across the CSTD and
move away from mutli-stakeholder Governance model to an unilateral
Governance model whereby Governments take the seats leaving Civil Society
out there on the street to hold placards that are ignored? Such instructions
could be part of the abrupt reactions on the wake of the Wiki-Leaks issue.

Perhaps the Governments want to take total and complete charge of the
Internet, to be in a position to wield totalitarian control over what is and
what is not on the Internet.

Sivasubramanian M

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On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 12:08 AM, Khaled KOUBAA <khaled.koubaa at gmail.com>wrote:

>  FYI
> -------- Message original --------  Sujet: [ISOC] The Future of the
> Internet Governance Forum  Date : Fri, 10 Dec 2010 12:24:32 +0100  De :
>   Pour : isoc-members-announce at elists.isoc.org
> Dear Colleagues,
> In an extraordinary meeting on 6 December the United Nation's
> Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD) decided to
> create a Working Group on Improvements to the Internet Governance
> Forum (IGF) (http://www.intgovforum.org/) with a membership made up
> only of governments.
> We believe this decision sets back the model of multistakeholder
> cooperation under which the IGF was established, and contradicts the
> instructions given to the CSTD for the establishment of the Working
> Group
> The Internet Society has joined the International Chamber of Commerce
> - Business Action to Support the Information Society, the Internet
> Governance Caucus, and many other Internet, business, and civil
> society organizations in sending a letter to the CSTD, asking them to
> retract their previous decision and to establish an appropriately
> constituted Working Group that ensures the full and active
> participation of governments, the private sector and civil society
> from both developing and developed countries, involving relevant
> intergovernmental and international organizations and forums.
> Like the Internet, a multistakeholder approach has been at the core of
> the Internet Governance Forum's formation and success. We hope that
> Internet Society Chapters and Members, as well as other organizations,
> will join us in signing the letter.
> You may read the full letter, and see the growing list of signatories,
> and indicated your own support here:
> http://isoc.org/wp/newsletter/?p=2710
> Sincerely,
> Jon McNerney
> Chief Operating Officer
> Internet Societywww.isoc.org
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