[governance] IGF Improvement

Izumi AIZU iza at anr.org
Tue Dec 7 21:24:31 EST 2010

Wolfgang, thank you for sharing this critical information (in my view).

Though not confirmed, I think we should not "wait" until it is confirmed.
I mean wait for official announcement, per se. Let's think ahead.
IF this is just a rumor but WG are selected on MSH base, that's fine.

To me it is quite clear that there is a move to "shrink" the mutli-stakeholder
framework at both IGF and Enhanced cooperation. Whether that move is
adopted or not is another question, but many governments are trying
to move the negotiation place within their own turf while some other
governments and most other entities, civil society, private sector, technical
community are trying to keep the MSH if not to advance.

I think we need to come up with good strategy and work plan to address
this, and also "outreach" with like-minded people who are not yet on
board for the preparation process of IGF2 and WSIS2015.

For that Dec 14 EC consultation and Dec 17 IGF WG meeting are
quite important to show that civil society is very much concerned about
the potential degrading of MSH, ask them to remain committed to it,
and further advance that for the next round.

We may, just like we did with ICC and ISOC, prepare and publish joint
letter of protest, with possible outreach to other organizations as well.

Just my idea,


2010/12/8 "Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
<wolfgang.kleinwaechter at medienkomm.uni-halle.de>:
> Hi everybody
> there is some rumor here in Cartagena that the UNCSTD has just decided to establish the Working Group for IGF improvement as a government only working group. Neither private sector nor civil society will have a space in the group. They are just excluded. The group will have 15 governmental members (three from each UN region) plus five governmental representatives from the five host countries of the IGF.
> We are back in 2001. What should we do? Comments are welcome
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