[governance] LAC Pre IGF Remote--now functioning
shaila mistry
shailam at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 3 13:23:06 EDT 2010
Hi Ginger
Sorry I cant make it. I'm on my way to Mexico City for a speaking engagement.
Hope to hear about the highlights from you
From: Ginger Paque <gpaque at gmail.com>
To: governance at lists.cpsr.org; Janna Anderson <andersj at elon.edu>
Cc: Ruth Puente <ruth at lacnic.net>
Sent: Tue, August 3, 2010 9:40:09 AM
Subject: Re: [governance] LAC PreIGF Remote--now functioning
Thanks for the follow-up and support, Janna.
The webcast is now functioning. The meeting started at 11 a.m., with audio and
the powerpoint presentation, and is now full webcast and chat.
If anyone needs help, please feel free to contact me on Skype at gingerpaque.
On 8/3/2010 12:00 PM, Janna Anderson wrote:
I know how difficult it is to get a live video feed to function and I
>applaud all such efforts. I have been monitoring this webcast and so far -
>by 11 a.m. Quito time, I have seen only unsuccessful attempts to stream
>video. Only an occasional change in a still frame, if I refresh my browser,
>and the audio comes and goes. Still I congratulate everyone participating in
>trying to make this information available live. I just want folks on the
>list to know that reliable livestreaming of audio and video is generally not
>easily accomplished at this point in time without concentrated technical
>assistance and an investment of time and money before, during and after an
>event. Don't assume that webcasts are easy to accomplish. All that having
>been said, let's be sure to keep trying to achieve live remote participation
>as much as possible. We know that successful remote participation through
>live video/audio CAN be done; I "attended" much of the Hyderabad IGF from my
>home in the US. And many thanks to Ginger Paque and others for their work to
>accomplish this access for all!
>On 8/3/10 9:48 AM, "Ruth Puente" <ruth at lacnic.net> wrote:
>>Today in Quito, Ecuador, begins the third Regional Preparatory Meeting
>>of the Internet Governance Forum.
>>The meeting will be webcast and remote participation will be available
>>in all sessions.
>>For remote participation options, please click in the following link:
>>More information on the PreIGF, is available from the meeting web site at:
>>Hoycomienza en Quito, Ecuador la tercerareunión regional preparatoria
>>delForodeGobernanzade Internet.
>>En todaslassesioneshabráposibilidadesdeparticipaciónremota y de
>>Para participarremotamente en la reuniónpreparatoriadelForode
>>Gobernanzade Internet, accedaalsiguiente link:
>>MásinformaciónsobreelPreIGF, estádisponible en elsitio web del
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