[governance] Reposting Workshop 3: Transnational enforcement of a new information order – Issues of rights and democracy

Parminder parminder at itforchange.net
Fri Apr 16 08:04:59 EDT 2010

William Drake wrote:
>> We would also like to include trade embargo issues on the Internet - 
>> like denial of many services by US based companies to countries like 
>> Iran and Syria, and well, also, Pakistan ( e-payment services for 
>> instance). In fact, such trade embargo issues are mentioned in the 
>> Vilnius program document.
> Don't want you to think I'm a terminological stickler, but an embargo 
> is a governmental measure, different from a company's decision not to 
> operate in a given national market.
You of course know that Google, Microsoft and many other companies do 
not extend some of their digital services to countries like Iran, Syria 
etc because of US gov orders. So I do mean trade embargo in its meaning 
of a governmental measure. As for non-availability of paypal in Pakistan 
I suspect (just suspect) there may also be some US gov role here but I 
am not so sure. Fouad who is leading a campaign on this can tell more.


> ***********************************************************
> William J. Drake
> Senior Associate
> Centre for International Governance
> Graduate Institute of International and
>  Development Studies
> Geneva, Switzerland
> william.drake at graduateinstitute.ch 
> <mailto:william.drake at graduateinstitute.ch>
> www.graduateinstitute.ch/cig/drake.html
> ***********************************************************
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