[governance] Microsoft Warns of Windows Version Expirations
Imran Ahmed Shah
ias_pk at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 14 07:59:01 EDT 2010
Just to add some reference links for further understanding:
Support is ending for some versions of Windows
Which version you are using?
What does end of service support mean?
Imran Ahmed Shah
[ICANNian since Oct 2009]
From: Imran Ahmed Shah <ias_pk at yahoo.com>
To: governance at lists.cpsr.org
Cc: Imran ICANNians.com <imran at ICANNians.com>
Sent: Wed, 14 April, 2010 16:44:08
Subject: [governance] Microsoft Warns of Windows Version Expirations
Dear All Friends and IGC Members,
I would like to share the following information regarding the expiration of version of Microsoft Windows:
Imran Ahmed Shah
Microsoft Warns of Windows Version Expirations
Soon to retire Windows versions include:
Windows Vista (RTM). The initial shipping version of Windows Vista will no longer be supported starting April 13, 2010. Microsoft recommends that users upgrade to Vista Service Pack 2 (SP2) or to Windows 7.
Windows XP with Service Pack 2. This XP version is no longer supported as of July 13, 2010. Microsoft recommends that users upgrade to Service Pack 3 (SP3) or to Windows 7. (Also of note is Windows Vista with Service Pack 1, which will no longer be supported starting July 13, 2011, and as with Vista RTM, Microsoft recommends that users upgrade to a newer version.)
Windows 2000. The extended support phase for Windows 2000 will retire on July 13, 2010. Customers will need to upgrade to a newer Windows version in order to continue receiving security updates.
Microsoft delivers monthly security patches on the second Tuesday of every month (which is today). As Bryant notes, newer versions of Microsoft products like Windows and Office suffer from fewer overall security vulnerabilities—and fewer critical vulnerabilities—than do older versions. So Microsoft recommends keeping these products up-to-date and, when possible, to upgrade to the newest versions. "The latest versions are less impacted overall due to the improved security protections built in to these products,"
Regardless of which Windows or Office versions you're using, however, this month promises to be a punishing one for security updates. Microsoft will fix 26 vulnerabilities across 13 security bulletins, 5 of which will be rated critical. Eleven of the security bulletins affect Windows, while the remaining two affect Office
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