[governance] Call for consensus - Statement by IGC supporting
Hindenburgo Pires
hindenburgo at gmail.com
Thu Sep 10 20:09:08 EDT 2009
Hi everyone,
I support and endorse this document.
2009/9/10 Ginger Paque <gpaque at gmail.com>
> I support the statement and thank everyone involved in writing it and
> opining.
> Please, we need as many people as possible to respond with their agreement
> or disagreement on the proposal. I know it was a short discussion, but we
> had good input, and Lisa did a great job, given the time constraints.
> We need to know if we have consensus on this as an IGC statement.
> Best, Ginger
> Lisa Horner wrote:
> Hi all
> We’re now past the deadline for comments, so I’ve pasted a final version
> below for the consensus call. Please could you send a message to the list
> to say if you support the statement or not. I’ll now hand over to Ginger
> and Ian to finalise and coordinate it getting read out at the IGF planning
> meeting. I’ll also get in touch with the DCs.
> Shaila – this version includes your edits, apart from in the final para as
> I think Parminder’s comments made sense. Hope that’s acceptable to you.
> Thanks everyone for your inputs. I think it’s a strong statement now.
> All the best,
> Lisa
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> FINAL STATEMENT (V6) – for consensus call
> The Caucus [and undersigned DCs] repeat their request that the programme
> for IGF-4 in Egypt gives greater priority to human rights. The WSIS
> Declaration and Tunis Agenda strongly reaffirmed the centrality of human
> rights in the information society. Despite this, human rights and associated
> principles have received too little attention at the IGF so
> far. This is problematic because :
> * Fundamental human rights such as the rights to freedom of expression,
> privacy, civic participation, education and development are strongly
> threatened by the actions and restrictive policies of a growing number of
> actors vis a vis the internet, including state and private actors at both
> national as well as global levels.
> * The internet presents new opportunities for upholding and advancing
> human rights, for example through enhancing access to knowledge and common
> resources. It is vital that we build on and enhance these opportunities.
> Ignoring these avenues to uphold human rights implies a serious opportunity
> cost for the well being of peoples, globally.
> * International human rights, as contained in the Universal Declaration
> of Human Rights and confirmed by the core human rights treaties and other
> universal human rights instruments, are legally binding. The growing role
> of information and communication technologies has not changed the legal
> obligation of states that have ratified these instruments to respect,
> protect and implement the human rights of their citizens.
> * The human rights framework is an internationally agreed set of
> standards that has practical as well as ethical value. It balances
> different rights against each other to preserve individual and public
> interest. In addition to its legally binding implications, human rights are
> therefore a useful tool for addressing internet governance issues, such as
> how to deal with security concerns on the internet in compliance with the
> rights to freedom of expression and privacy. Besides stating the
> obligations of states and governments, the human rights framework also
> allows us to derive the rights and responsibilities of other stakeholders.
> The Internet Governance Caucus [and undersigned DCs] call for the human
> rights dimension of all internet governance issues to be included in the
> planning and implementation of all future IGF sessions, so that human rights
> are given the attention they deserve as cross-cutting issues. This should
> include explicit consideration of how global, regional and national policies
> affect human rights, and the development of positive policy principles to
> build an open and accessible internet for all. The Caucus [and undersigned
> DCs] would like to offer assistance to the organisers of the main plenary
> sessions to do this, and would like to support all stakeholders through
> providing access to relevant guidelines and experts. We see this upcoming
> IGF in Egypt and future IGFs as renewed opportunity to make Rights and
> Principles a core theme.
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